当我接触的F#编程越多,我用到递归的可能性就越大,也正是因为这样,我时常会遇到堆栈溢出的问题,要想避免堆栈溢出问题,Continuation Style Program(CSP)是唯一的方法。以下我们列出普通的递归和CSP的版本代码进行对比,在这里,关键的一点,该方法不会返回,因此它不会在调用的堆栈上创建元素,同时,由于会延迟计算Continuation方法,它不需要被保存在栈元素中:
- module FunctionReturnModule =
- let l = [1..1000000]
- let rec sum l =
- match l with
- | [] -> 0
- | h::t -> h + sum t
- sum l
- module CPSModule =
- let l = [1..1000000]
- let rec sum l cont =
- match l with
- | [] -> cont 0
- | h::t ->
- let afterSum v =
- cont (h+v)
- sum t afterSum
- sum l id
- module FunctionReturnModule =
- let l = [1..1000000]
- let rec sum l =
- match l with
- | [] -> 0
- | h::t ->
- let r = sum t
- h + r
- sum l
- module CPSModule =
- let l = [1..1000000]
- let rec sum l cont =
- match l with
- | [] -> cont 0
- | h::t ->
- let afterSum v =
- cont (h+v)
- sum t afterSum
- sum l id
- type NodeType = int
- type BinaryTree =
- | Nil
- | Node of NodeType * BinaryTree * BinaryTree
- module TreeModule =
- let rec sum tree =
- match tree with
- | Nil -> 0
- | Node(v, l, r) ->
- let sumL = sum l
- let sumR = sum r
- v + sumL + sumR
- sum deepTree
- module TreeCSPModule =
- let rec sum tree cont =
- match tree with
- | Nil -> cont 0
- | Node(v, l, r) ->
- let afterLeft lValue =
- let afterRight rValue =
- cont (v+lValue+rValue)
- sum r afterRight
- sum l afterLeft
- sum deepTree id
- module TreeModule =
- let rec sum tree cont =
- match tree with
- | Nil -> 0
- | Node(v, l, r) ->
- let sumL = sum l
- let sumR = sum r
- cont (v + sumL + sumR)
- sum deepTree
第一步:处理sumR,将cont方法移动到afterRight中并将它传给sum r:
- module TreeModule =
- let rec sum tree cont =
- match tree with
- | Nil -> 0
- | Node(v, l, r) ->
- let sumL = sum l
- // let sumR = sum r
- let afterRight rValue =
- cont (v + sumL + rValue)
- sum r afterRight
- sum deepTree
- module TreeModule =
- let rec sum tree cont =
- match tree with
- | Nil -> 0
- | Node(v, l, r) ->
- //let sumL = sum l
- let afterLeft lValue =
- let afterRight rValue =
- cont (v + lValue + rValue)
- sum r afterRight
- sum l afterLeft
- sum deepTree
- let tree n =
- let mutable subTree = Node(1, Nil, Nil)
- for i=0 to n do
- subTree <- Node(1, subTree, Nil)
- subTree
- let deepTree = tree 1000000
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