
并且要注意文字信息中必然出现相应的关键词以及正常书写格式。这样可以避免图片无法显示时搜 索引擎无法正常已去图片信息;


1. 关键词优化:选定关键词是SEO的重要步骤之一,根据相关行业的市场情况和竞争对手来进行有效的关键词研究。并且要注意不能使用太多或者太少的关键词,考虑到流量大小、竞争度低中等因素来选定适当数量的关键词。


2. 网站内部优化:将文字信息加上图片、Flash动画、视频等多媒体信息作为内容进行优化。并且要注意文字信息中必然出现相应的关键词以及正常书写格式。各部分之间要有明显界定以便于用户理解和浏览。

3. 外部优化:单独对处在不同URL上的文章进行SEO 优化, 适当地使用友情连接, 权值大就能带来好的效果; 合理使用Meta 标签, 这是一般人看不到但是对 SEO 有很大作用; 合理使用H1-H6 标签, 这也是 SEO 中很重要的一步; 适当地加上alt 标记, 这样可以避免图片无法显示时搜 索引擎无法正常已去图片信息; 功能性代 码如JavaScript 也应当考虑 SEO , JavaScript 代 碼如何適當地緩存(cache)所呈請閱 諸如Google PageSpeed Insights (GPSI)已來説明JS/CSS/HTML/Image 等性能調整方式.

4. SNS (Social Networking Service ): 通過Facebook、Twitter、Instagram、YouTube 等SNS 會員朋友關系來傳遞相關信 息, 助力SEO 优化; Google+ / Google My Business / Bing Places for Business / Yelp! / Foursquare / Yahoo Local Listings 等Local Search Engine Optimization (LSEO) 本地電子商務平台也是必不可少的已去傳遞相關信 息.

5. PR & Link Building: 高PR(Page Rank )&Link Building (LB) 多高PR & LB Links 助力SEO 优化 ; PR & LB Links 高PR & LB Links 能朝創進一步傳遞相關信 息 .

6. Mobile Friendly : Mobile Friendly Website Design and Development (MFDWD), Responsive Web Design (RWD), Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP). AMP is a new technology that helps to make web pages load faster on mobile devices by reducing the amount of code needed to render a page on a mobile device . It also makes it easier for search engines to crawl and index content quickly . This can help improve your website’s ranking in search engine results pages .

7. Content Marketing : Content marketing is an important part of any successful SEO strategy as it helps create high quality backlinks from other websites which can help boost your rankings in search engine results pages . Creating unique and engaging content such as blog posts , infographics , videos or ebooks will help attract more visitors to your website and increase the chances of them linking back to you or sharing your content with their own followers . Additionally , creating content around topics related to your industry will help establish yourself as an authority within the field which can further improve your rankings in SERPs over time .

8. Social Media Optimization : Social media optimization involves optimizing social media profiles such as Facebook , Twitter , Instagram etc so that they are optimized for maximum visibility when people are searching for relevant keywords related to your business or industry online . By optimizing these profiles with relevant keywords and information about what services you offer you can ensure that potential customers find out about you easily when they are looking online for businesses like yours ! Additionally using social media platforms regularly will also help build relationships with potential customers who may be interested in what services you have available !

9 Adwords Campaigns : Running adwords campaigns through google adwords is another way of improving visibility online by targeting specific keywords related to what services you offer so that when someone searches those terms then ads promoting what services you offer appear at the top of the SERPs making it much more likely that people click on them instead of competitors links below ! Additionally running adwords campaigns allows businesses track how effective their campaigns are by tracking clicks conversions etc giving valuable insights into how well certain strategies work compared others !

10 Analytics Tracking : Setting up analytics tracking tools such as google analytics allows businesses track user behaviour on their website including where users come from how long they stay on each page etc this data can then be used analyse user behaviour patterns helping identify areas where improvements need made order increase conversion rates ultimately leading higher sales figures overall !





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