Linux PS Command: A Comprehensive Guide
As a Linux user, the PS command is one of the essential tools in your arsenal of command-line utilities. The PS command provides an extensive insight into the system’s running processes and their resource utilization, such as CPU, memory, and disk usage. In this article, we’ll cover how to use the Linux PS command to its fullest extent.
The Basics:
To start using the PS command, you first need to open your terminal and type in PS. This command will display a list of running processes on your system. The basic output of the PS command includes the process ID (PID), the user who initiated the process, and the name of the process.
Using the PS Command with Options:
The PS command provides various options to customize the output of the list of running processes. In the following section, we’ll detl some of the most common options avlable:
1. -a: Lists all processes on the system, including those that belong to other users.
2. -u: Displays the user name or owner of the process along with additional detls such as the CPU usage and the memory utilization.
3. -f: Provides a more detled output of the processes, including the parent process ID (PPID), the running time, the CPU and memory usage, and the name of the command that initiated the process.
4. -x: Displays a list of processes that don’t have an attached terminal.
5. –sort: Allows you to sort the output of the PS command based on different attributes such as CPU usage, memory utilization, and process name.
6. -e: Displays all processes on the system, including kernel threads.
7. -H: Shows a complete hierarchical view of the processes, including child processes.
8. -o: Enables you to specify the columns you want to include in the output.
9. -C: Displays information about a particular command only.
Examples of the PS Command:
Let’s illustrate the usage of the PS command using examples.
1. Displaying all processes running on the system:
ps -e
2. Showing the running processes for a specific user:
ps -u username
3. Finding the top CPU consuming processes:
ps –sort=-%cpu | head
4. Displaying the process status and their corresponding priorities:
ps -eo pid,ppid,cmd,%cpu,%mem,state,priority
5. Showing the parent process ID and its child processes:
ps -p PPID -o pid,command
The PS command is an essential tool for system administrators and developers alike. It provides a comprehensive overview of the running processes and their resource utilization, allowing you to troubleshoot and optimize your system performance. With the options and examples provided in this article, you should be able to use the PS command effectively and efficiently.
grep sshd 表示使用grep查找包含sshd的行;
在ps -aux回显的所有进程信息中查找包含sshd的行并显示在终端里.
中, 正常情况下, 每个程序启动后, 在进程列表中都能看到相对应的信息, 而对系统中进程信息的查看就是通过ps命令: 下面是我系统中ps -aux显示的进程信息的一部分带衫:
可以看到进程信息很多, 如果系统里面运行的程序多了,可能会有上百行, 甚至更多, 此时我们只想看包含
sshd的行,则可以直接使用, ps -aux | grep sshd, 我系统上恰好就有sshd这个进程, 看下测试截图:
写在最后, 说简单些, grep命令就相同于一个过滤器, 从众多行中将符合条件的行给挑出来.
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网页题目:Linux PS命令如何使用 (linux ps作用)
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