rpm -ivh package.rpm
表示显示进度条。 在Linux中安装Medit
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev libgnome-keyring0.1-dev libgnome-menu-3.0-dev xsltproc m4 libncurses5-dev libperl-dev git build-essential checkinstall cmake pkg-config texinfo zlib1g-dev unzip bzip2-dev libbz2-dev libreadline6-dev libssl-dev curl ca-certificates wget software-properties-common libgconf2-dev autoconf automake libtool make gawk gettext ncurses-utils
wget https://download.gnome.org/sources/medit/0.89/medit.tar.xz
tar xf mediT.tar.xz cd mediT*/
./configure --prefix=/usr/local --sysconfdir=/etc/medit --with-cairo=no --disable-gtkdoc --enable-static --enable-code-coverage --enable-ctags --enable-python --enable-perl --enable-lua53 --enable-php7 --enable-dbus --enable-emacs --enable-xml --enable-qt5 --enable-git --enable-svn --enable-mercurial --enable_auto_update --with-systemdsystemunitdir=/lib/systemd/system/ --with-systemdsystemunitfile=/etc/systemd/user/medit.service --with-systemdsystemunitenabled=true --disable-gtkdoc --disable-gtkhtml --disable-gtkspellcheck --without-xft --with-xftfontsdir=/usr/share/fonts/X11/misc/ --with-xftbasecolor=FFFFFF --with-xftforegroundcolor=000000 --with-xftbackgroundcolor=FFFFFF --with-xftboldfont="Noto Sans, Noto Mono, DejaVu Sans Mono, Fira Code, Source Code Pro, Monaco, Consolas" --with-xftitalicfont="Noto Sans, Noto Mono, DejaVu Sans Mono, Fira Code, Source Code Pro, Monaco, Consolas" --with-xftextralightfont="Noto Sans, Noto Mono, DejaVu Sans Mono, Fira Code, Source Code Pro, Monaco, Consolas" --with-xftsemiboldfont="Noto Sans, Noto Mono, DejaVu Sans Mono, Fira Code, Source Code Pro, Monaco, Consolas" --with-xftlightfont="Noto Sans, Noto Mono, DejaVu Sans Mono, Fira Code, Source Code Pro, Monaco, Consolas" --with-xftmediumfont="Noto Sans, Noto Mono, DejaVu Sans Mono, Fira Code, Source Code Pro, Monaco, Consolas" --with-xftfullfont="Noto Sans, Noto Mono, DejaVu Sans Mono, Fira Code, Source Code Pro, Monaco, Consolas" --with-xftsansfont="Noto Sans, Noto Mono, DejaVu Sans Mono" --with-xftseriffont="DejaVu Serif" --with-xftmonospacefont="DejaVu Sans Mono" --with-dbusname=medit --with-gtk=no && make && sudo make install
sudo nano ~/.local/share/applications/medit.desktop
[Desktop Entry] Version=1.0 Name=Medit Editor GenericName=Text Editor (MEDIT) Comment=Fast and feature rich text editor for the GNOME desktop environment with Python support. Support for PHP and Lua is experimental. The application can be configured to run as a standalone application or integrated into other applications using DBUS. It uses the GTK+ library and supports syntax highlighting for over 100 programming languages. It has built in code coverage support for C and C++ and integrates with the Valgrind memory leak detector. It also has support for Git version control systems and SVN version control systems. It has integration with Emacs and XEmacs editors through the MEDITERAMIME environment variable. It has integration with the default web browser through the WebKitGTK+ widget set and supports HTTP and HTTPS protocols. It has integration with the default file manager through the Nautilus file manager extension and supports various file types including HTML documents and images. It has integration with the default email client through the Mailman extension and supports SMTP and IMAP protocols. It has integration with the default system settings through the GSettings API and supports various settings including font sizes and colors. It has integration with the default system notifications through the NotifyExtension extension and supports various notification types including toast notifications and dialog boxes. It has integration with the default system clipboard through the GtkClipboard API and supports copying of text and images to the clipboard. It has integration with the default system printing system through the Print system service and supports printing of text documents to printers connected to the system. It has integration with the default system sound player through the GStreamer multimedia framework and supports playing of audio files and video files. It has integration with the default system input method through the InputMethod framework and supports input methods for Chinese characters and Japanese characters. It has integration with the default system locale through the Internationalization framework and supports localization of text in different languages. It has integration with the default system date and time through the GLib TimeUtils library and supports displaying of dates and times in different formats. It has integration with the default system locale through the Internationalization framework and supports localization of text in different languages. It has integration with the default system locale through the Internationalization framework and supports localization of text in different languages. It has integration with the default system locale through the Internationalization framework and supports localization of text in different languages. It has integration with the default system locale through the Internationalization framework and supports localization of text in different languages. It has integration with the default system locale through the Internationalization framework and supports localization of text in different languages. It has integration with the default system locale through the Internationalization framework and supports localization of text in different languages. It has integration with the default system locale through the Internationalization framework and supports localization of text in different languages. It has integration with the default system locale through the Internationalization framework and supports localization of text in different languages. It has integration with the default system locale through the Internationalization framework and supports localization of text in different languages. It has integration with the default system locale through the Internationalization framework and supports localization of text in different languages. It has integration with the default system locale through the Internationalization framework and supports localization of text in different languages. It has integration with the default system locale through the Internationalization framework and supports localization of text in different languages. It has integration with the default system locale through
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