如果你对用Python 2.5.1如何帮助文档设置的实际操作步骤存在问题时,或对Python 2.5.1的相关代码的具体应用不了解时,弄都可以浏览以下的文章,它会涉及到相关问题的解决,希望你在看完我们的文章会有所体会。
Python 2.5.1 帮助文档设置问题
Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Apr 8 2008, 01:20:16)
- [GCC 4.3.0 20080404 (Red Hat 4.3.0-6)] on linux2
- Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license"
for more information.- >>> help('print')
- Sorry, topic and keyword documentation is not
available because the Python- HTML documentation files could not be found.
If you have installed them,- please set the environment variable PYTHONDOCS
to indicate their location.- On the Microsoft Windows operating system, the
files can be built by- running "hh -decompile . PythonNN.chm" in the
C:\PythonNN\Doc> directory.- >>>
操作系统是fedora 9。首先,下载帮助文档。然后,解压至/home/sword/下载/Python-Docs-2.5
- [sword@localhost Python-Docs-2.5]$ ls
- about.html api doc icons inst mac ref whatsnew
- acks.html dist ext index.html lib modindex.html tut
- [sword@localhost Python-Docs-2.5]$ pwd
在Python 2.5.1 帮助文档设置问题中你需要在/home/sword/下载/Python-Docs-2.5***,修改配置文件~/.bash_profile,末尾加一句:PYTHONDOCS=/home/sword/下载/Python-Docs-2.5export PYTHONDOCS
- $ python
- Python 2.5.1 (r251:54863, Apr 8 2008, 01:20:16)
- [GCC 4.3.0 20080404 (Red Hat 4.3.0-6)] on linux2
- Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license"
for more information.- >>> help('print')
6.6 The print statement
- print_stmt ::= "print" ( [expression[1] (","
expression[2])* [","]]- | ">>" expression[3] [("," expression[4])+ [","]] )
- Download entire grammar as text.[5]
- ...
以上就是对Python 2.5.1 帮助文档设置问题的相关的内容的介绍,望你会有所收获。
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