


1. SEO只需要建立外部链接就能实现:很多人认为SEO只需要建立外部链接就能实现,但这是不正确的。SEO不仅仅是关于建立外部链接,而是一整套优化方法,包括内容优化、代码优化、用户体验优化、服务器性能优化等。

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2. 只要在文中使用关键词就行了:很多人认为只要在文中使用关键词就行了,但这也是不正确的。如果想通过SEO来吸引浏览者并将浏览转变为相应的行动时间,则必须对文字内容进行有效的促进作用。因此在文字内容上应当重视原创性、凝练性、易理解性以及吸引力。

3. SEO已死: 有人声称“SEO已死”, 但事实并不如此, 相反, 随着Google 搜寻引擎的升级, SEO 近几年来扩大了其意义, 如今已成为一门独特而重要的学问; 各大搜寻引擎依然将根据特定频道(keywords) 等因子来评判一个web site 站上去; 此外随之考量因子也愈来愈详尽(例如: social media signals), 使得 SEO 近几年来扩大了其意义.

4. 多钱=好效益: 有时候有人会高看 SEO , 误以为 ” 多钱 = 就會有好效益 ” ; 但 S E O 是一间雷同 marketing , 预留 budgeting & planning 時閵必然要考量 ROI ( Return On Investment ) ; 虽然投注 S E O 的 money & time 预留出來 , 但却不代衵 ROI ( Return On Investment ) 會 100% positive .

5. Meta Tags 就能保障前10名 : Meta tags (title tag & description tag) 早已不再作 Google ranking factor ; meta tags 的作电彷彿 web page title & summary , 便利 search engine crawler indexing web page content .

6. Keyword Stuffing : keyword stuffing is a black hat technique which involves the repetition of words or phrases with the intent of manipulating a site's ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs). It is considered an unethical practice and can result in penalties from search engines like Google if detected by their algorithms or reported by other websites that are negatively affected by it.

7. Link Building Is Dead : Link building has been around since the early days of search engine optimization and remains one of the most important factors for achieving high rankings in SERPs today. While link building tactics have evolved over time to become more sophisticated and effective, they still remain an essential part of any successful SEO strategy as links continue to be one of the top three ranking factors used by major search engines such as Google and Bing..


1、SE0是什么? SE0(Search Engine Optimization) ,即"Search Engine Optimization" ; SE0 是通过对 Web Site Content / Structure / Links / Server Performance etc... 进行 optimization ; SE0 goal is to increase website visibility on Search Engines Result Pages (SERP).        2、SE0如何带来流量? SEo helps bring traffic to your website through organic searches on major search engines like Google/Bing/Yahoo etc... By optimizing your website content/structure/links you can improve its visibility on SERP thus bringing more visitors who are looking for relevant information related to your business products or services.. 3、SEo如何带来ROI? SeO brings return-on-investment when done correctly because it increases website visibility which leads to increased sales due to higher number of potential customers visiting your website organically through major search engines like google/bing/yahoo etc.... 4、Seo应该雇员成员承办? SeO should be handled either internally within organization or outsourced depending upon size and complexity involved in project; If internal resources are available then seo tasks can be handled internally but if not then outsourcing may be best option as there are many experienced seo professionals available who specialize in this field.. 5





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