





1. 分析用户行为

首先,要想了解用户对特定内容感兴趣,就必须分析用户行为。通过Google Analytics工具可以得到大量信息:例如浏览时间、来自何处的流量、使用者性别年龄等。根据这些信 息及相应数字(例如浏览超过30s代表对内容感兴 趣) ) ; 可 以 根 据 用 户 行 为 快 速 有 效 的 得 出 有 价 值 的 资 料 ;

2. SEO工作原理

SEO(Search Engine Optimization,即“Search Engine Optimization”)是一套方法来优化网站在各大引⽤引⽤中的可⻅度。SEO工作原理是通过不断优化内部因子(internal factors)和外部因子(external factors),使之能够在各大引⽤上易于找到,也就是"search engine friendly".

3. Keyword Research Tool

Keyword Research Tool (KRT)是一套常用来帮助SEOer快速找出有效能够影响SERP(Search Engine Result Page )前10名位置的keywords/phrases/topics/themes. KRT能够根 ⿊不吝惜看看competitors' website, blog and social media channels to find out what keywords they are using in their content and how successful those keywords have been for them; it can also help you identify new keyword opportunities that your competitors may not be targeting yet.

4. Content Analysis Tools

Content Analysis Tools (CATs) is a set of tools used to analyze the content on a website or blog in order to determine which topics are most popular with readers and which topics need more attention from the writer or editor. CATs can provide valuable insights into what kind of content resonates best with readers as well as potential areas for improvement within existing content pieces. It can also help identify gaps in coverage that could be filled by creating new pieces of content around specific topics or themes that have not yet been explored on the site but may be relevant to its target audience.

5 . Social Media Monitoring Tools Social Media Monitoring Tools (SMMs) is a set of tools used to track conversations about specific topics across various social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc.. SMMs allow marketers and other professionals to gain insight into how people are talking about their brand or product online so they can better understand customer sentiment towards it and adjust their strategies accordingly if needed





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