二、 网站难以被收录原因及应对方法1. 太新:高权重Search Engine将不会考虑它;
1. 网站内容不够全面:如果网站的内容不够全面,就会导致网站在搜索引擎中的受重要性低。因此,进行有效的SEO优化是必要的。
2. 竞争力差:如果一个网站在同一行业里存在很大的竞争力差距,则该网站将难以获得好的权重和可信度。所以要想使网站能够快速上升到前几名,就必须建设出强大耐用、有特色、有市场影响力的内容平台。
3. 技术问题: 如果你使用了不标准或者旧版本HTML代码, 那么这将会阻止你的新闻或者文字信息能够得到正常显示, 也就意味这你无法得到好的权重, 进而导致你早早上升到前几名; 另外, 如果你使用了Flash或者JavaScript作为界面显示方式, 那么虽然看上去是相当流畅和生动, 但是对于Search Engine来说却是一道难以通过之关; 最后, 还要注意Meta Tag标识(Title/Description/Keywords)郭正常显示!
1. 太新: 如果一个新建成并没有太久时间(例如三天), 高权重Search Engine将不会考虑它; 此时应该通过Link Exchange (友情链) 把URLs submit to Search Engines and Directories (目录);
2. 太老: 如���一个Website已存在N年之久(例如五年), Search Engines将不会马上index it (Indexing is a process of adding new URLs into the database); 此时意味这Webmaster应该update content regularly and add fresh information frequently in order to attract search engine spiders' attention;
3. Meta Tags not properly set up: Meta tags are very important for SEO purpose as they tell search engines what your website is about and how relevant it is to certain keywords or phrases; Webmasters should make sure that all meta tags are correctly set up before submitting their websites to search engines so that they can get better ranking results in SERPs (search engine result pages).
三、 究其深原因——“Why Is My Website Slow To Be Indexed By Search Engines?”
1. Poor Quality Content : If your website contains low quality content such as duplicate contents or irrelevant topics then this will be one of the main reasons why your website takes longer time to be indexed by search engines because these types of contents do not provide any value for users thus making them less attractive for indexing purposes ; Therefore , webmasters should always strive to create high quality unique contents which can help improve their rankings on SERPs .
2. Too Many Links : Having too many links pointing back from other websites may also slow down the indexing process since most search engines prefer sites with fewer external links ; Thus , webmasters should try to limit the number of outbound links on their websites in order to speed up the indexing process .
3. Technical Issues : Another possible reason why a website might take longer time than usual for being indexed could be due technical issues such as broken HTML codes , improper use of Flash or JavaScript etc . In such cases , webmasters need to fix those errors first before submitting their sites again so that they can get better results from SERPs .
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