为了深入的了解这些问题的答案,开发频道展开了对国内外几个著名架构师的一系列邮件访谈。本次访谈的对象是一位资深的程序员、咨询师和架构师,Fred George先生。
Fred George
Fred George先生在敏捷开发领域颇有声望,在业界有将近40年的开发经验。早年他在IBM工作。退出IBM之后,以独立咨询师的身份在美国工作了十多年。后来他加盟了ThoughtWorks,成为早期致力于推动敏捷开发的一批开发者。现在他离开了ThoughtWorks,在英国的TrafficBroker公司就任解决方案架构师一职。编辑曾在2009年敏捷中国大会上与Fred先生进行过一次面对面的交流,编者对Fred先生充满生趣的演讲和对编程如同小孩子一般的热情印象颇深。
Fred:首先澄清一下,我的这个头衔:“解决方案架构师(Solutions Architect)”,其实只是为了签证弄的一个头衔。我其实是没有头衔的。不过呢,我确实自诩为一个架构师。
#T#Fred:如果你从程序员的职位转型,决定自己不再是程序员了,那么你的架构师生涯将是短暂的。最好的架构师都在写代码。Kent Beck曾经写道:“代码就是设计与残酷现实之黄昏的交汇(Code is when design meets the harsh reality of dawn.)”。他的意思是,我们画出来的设计都是美好的,但最好的设计仅仅是被翻译为优雅代码的那些。一个无法将愿景带入代码的架构师将永远无法了解我们这个急速变化的行业所展示的深度。
附录:问题与Fred George邮件答复内容的英文原文
1. How to define Architect
Usually, different project managers in different teams have somewhat different definitions for the term Architect. In Amazon team, what does an architect do, and what's your recruiting criteria for an architect?
A: Effect architects are master painters of code. Recently, leading software thinkers talk about the "beauty" and "elegance" of systems. An architect is one who not only sees that beauty, but is able to create it in the systems being built. I think of systems as living organisms. Much like corporations, they need to be nurtured to grow and be healthy. Much like corporations, a system can be abused for a while (for short term gains like quick profits), but will ultimately fail if abuse lasts too long. The architect, like the CEO, understands this about their systems. They recognize abuse, understand how long the system can sustain the abuse, and guides the path back to health.
2. Choosing the potential architect
Suppose you have 3 good programmers in your team. Programmer A tops in communication skills and team management. Programmer B tops in coding practices and theories, as well as coping with new technical skills. Programmer C tops in logical thinking and explaining abstract concepts. If you'd like one architect to come out from the three, which one would you prefer?
A: Not everyone is capable of being an architect. Of your choices, Programmer C has the best chance of success. The conceptual skills are what I judge when seeing the ultimate potential of an individual. The rest of the needs (languages, experience, and the like) I can train. Programmer B might become a good architect; she seems to be showing the signs of conceptual understanding. If she begins to discern the patterns (beauty, elegance) that good systems have, she can make the transition. Programmer A is not a candidate. Making him an architect is treating "architect" as the promotion after "designer". That is like putting your grandfather in Formula 1 racing just because he has driven the longest. It just doesn't work. Leadership skills are important, but it is not a factor in being a good architect.
3. From an experienced architect's point of view, what do you think are the main obstacles faced by those novice architects who just transformed from a programmer's role?
A: If you have transformed out of a programmer role, you will have a short career as an architect. The best architects still write code. Kent Beck once wrote, "Code is when design meets the harsh reality of dawn." He was saying that all designs look pretty when we draw them, but the best design translates into elegant code. The architect that doesn't carry his vision into code will never gain the insights that our changing industry exhibits. That is why the career is short for the non-programming architect. As an architect, I will implement (with a partner for pair programming) the most difficult parts of a system. I call it "pioneering", the process where I see if an idea in my head actually is a good idea. I will always refine the idea in that first implementation. Then I feel comfortable letting the rest of the programming team follow that pattern. That is the "architecture".
I drifted from your question. The main obstacle faced by a novice architect is admitting that you don't have the detail answer, but that you are confident that you will work with the programmers and designers to find it. Another problem a new architect faces is over "beauty" and "elegance". When making choices that involve these concepts, managers are particularly skeptical of that reasoning. Managers often have short term goals, and are indifferent to beauty and elegance. Actually, they don't value keeping the system healthy for tomorrow's changes. Finally, the novice architect was probably a superior programmer. Now other programmers are contributing code that is not as pretty. The novice architect must learn what degree that ugly code can be accepted and at what point to reject it.
Architects are artists, and often their work is not appreciated during their lifetimes.
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