linux pre-installed with a Terminal, we can quickly make use of Linux secrets to open.the terminal!
Assuming You’re on a desktop, you can use the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl + Alt + T”. This works instantly, no matter what interface you’re using. If you’re using a laptop, the combination is “Ctrl + Alt + F1” instead.
Besides this keyboard shortcut, you can also open a terminal WINDOW if you have a desktop environment installed. If you have an icon-based desktop, you can click the terminal icon on the desktop. If you have a menu-based desktop, you can go to “Applications” – “Accessories” – “Terminal” to open the terminal.
Please note if your desktop environment automatically opens some kind of terminal-like window when you first log in, chances are it will not be an actual shell terminal. You’ll still see the same terminal window layout, but the commands may not work the same as an actual shell terminal.
You can also run a terminal from the command line. To do this, start a command line (enter “Ctrl + Alt + F2”) and type “xterm”. This will open up a terminal window running with the X Window System.
If you’re on an old-style console, you can either run a text-mode getty or a full-screen getty. A text-mode getty displays the same window as a regular terminal, with fixed-width fonts and no window decorations. To run it, type “v99”. A full-screen getty displays a full-screen window with bigger fonts and window decorations. To run it, type “v97”.
If you’re using a crontab, you can also open a terminal window by using a script as follows:
#! /bin/sh
/usr/bin/xterm -e /bin/bash
The above opens a terminal window running BASH so you can view, edit and execute shell script files.
Above are some of the ways that you can quickly open a terminal window on your Linux machine. Although all the methods are quite efficient, the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl + Alt + T” is the quickest and most convenient way of opening a terminal window. So, make sure to remember this shortcut!
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