1. 确定相关关键词
2. 建立内部文字链
把上一步选好的关键字集合融入文章中去;将不同文章之间建立内部文字连接;注意避开“keyword stuffing”(即地狱般多使用) ;将不必要使用JavaScript代码削减到最小; 将CSS代码削减到最小; 运用H1-H6标记; 各标记之间保留正常间隔; 正常使用alt text, title tag, meta description 等HTML标记; 高效能地生成sitemap.xml/html/txt ; 运作robots.txt ; 运作Google Analytics / Webmaster Tools / Bing Webmaster Tools 等工具 ; 查看404 error page (not found) , 301 redirects (permanent redirects), 302 redirects (temporary redirects).
3. 外部文字连接
外部文字连接是 SEO 最重要也是最难理解和处理的一个方法。大多都是从另一个 web site link to your website or blog post . Link building is a very important part of SEO and it can help you get higher rankings in search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing . You should focus on getting quality links from relevant websites that are related to your niche or industry . This will help you build trust with the search engine algorithms and also give you more visibility in the SERPs . You should also make sure that all of your external links are “do follow” so they count towards improving your ranking as well as helping users find what they need quickly and easily .
4. 社会化媒体
Social media marketing is another great way to improve SEO rankings for your website or blog post . By creating content that people want to share on their social networks , you can increase traffic to your website while also increasing brand awareness among potential customers who may not have heard about you before but now see what others are saying about it online . Additionally , by engaging with followers on social media platforms such as Twitter , Facebook , Instagram etc.,you can create relationships with them which could lead to increased sales down the line if done correctly !
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