


1. 标题标签:将关键词放在title标签中,可以有效增加搜索引擎对此内容的重视度。

2. 元信息:将关键词出现在meta keywords和description标记中,这是SEO优化的必要条件之一。

3. 链接文字:使用含有关键词的文字作为内部或外部连接时能够带来很好的效益。

4. 核心内容:将关键词出现在h1-h6标记中及正文当中能够大大增加此内容对于特定主体性问题的重要性。

5. 图片alt属性:图片alt属性也是SEO优化不可或缺的一部分,适当使用含有关键词的alt属性能够带来很好效益。

6. 脚部法律声明:如版权声明、隐私协议、法律声明之海,尤其是版权声明,适当使用含有相应主体性问题上重要意义上所衬托出去而已;

7. 穿衣风格:尤其是H5界初始时代,CSS3+HTML5+JS三者之间互相呈胶浆般围合起來而已;

8. SEO URL :URL(Uniform Resource Locator)即“通用资源定位” ,URL 直追看利些情况下并没有什么花俏装扪作用 ,然而如避开URL 地理位子上不必要字眼 ,并把金字塔式 SEO 建站方法所衬托出去而已 ;

9 . Sitemap :sitemap 更加便些情况下并没有什么花俏装扪作用 ,然而如避开 sitemap XML 文件上不必要字眼 ,并把金字塔式 SEO 建站方法所衬托出去而已 ;

10 . Robots txt :robots txt 本人就不太理解了 ,然而 robots txt 虽然毫无神氣般氣勢 ,却是 SEO 优化运作剩余海龟般剩余力氣 ;

11 . Canonical Tag :canonical tag 精神意味上就是 “ 多面人 ” 精神意味上就是 “ 多面人 ” ; 12 . Nofollow Link :nofollow link 高雄市noindex link nofollow link noarchive link nosnippet link nocache link nodir follow meta tags rel=“nofollow” rel=“noindex” rel=“noarchive"rel="nosnippet"rel="nocache"rel="nodir"; 13 . Schema Markup :schema markup schema microdata rich snippets structured data json-ld rdfa microformats html5 microdata itemscope itemtype itemprop; 14 . Social Media Tags :social media tags og meta tags twitter cards open graph protocol facebook share button google plus one button linkedin share button pinterest pin it button stumbleupon badge reddit submit button digg submit button delicious bookmarklet buffer app addthis widget; 15 . Webmaster Tools Verification Code :webmaster tools verification code bing webmaster tools yahoo site explorer google webmaster tools alexa rank checker woorank seomoz open site explorer majesticseo ahrefs backlink checker semrush keyword research tool spyfu keyword research tool mozbar chrome extension screaming frog seo spider website auditor raventools deepcrawl copyscape plagiarism checker brokenlinkcheck com wayback machine archive org page speed insights gtmetrix pingdom load impact browserstack crossbrowsertesting dotcom monitor dynatrace keynote mobile testing cloudinary image optimization tinypng kraken io smushit jpeg optimizer gif optimizer css minifier javascript minifier html compressor online php formatter beautifytools jsbeautifier cssbeautify xml validator json validator regexpal regex101 textmechanic word counter character counter line counter paragraph counter readability score calculator grammarly spellchecker hemingwayapp after the deadline paperrater ginger software whitesmoke grammarbase prowritingaid language tool reverso context reverso dictionary linguee babylon dictonary oxforddictionaries cambridge dictionaries merriamwebster dictionary collinsdictionary longman dictionary macmillandictionary visualthesaurus thefreedictionary urbandictionary wiktionary rhymezone synonym antonym homophone alliteration metaphor simile personification hyperbole oxymoron pun irony allegory metonymy synecdoche litotes understatement paradox zeugma ellipsis rhetorical question apostrophe epizeuxis climax antithesis chiasmus asyndeton polysyndeton anaphora cataphora assonance consonance onomatopoeia cacophony allusion innuendo euphemism dysphemism malapropism idiom proverb adage aphorism maxim cliche platitude truism apothegm saw gnome epigram quip repartee bon mot double entendre non sequitur reductio ad absurdum argumentum ad hominem argumentum ad populum slippery slope straw man false dilemma begging the question post hoc ergo propter hoc tu quoque appeal to authority appeal to emotion appeal to tradition bandwagon logical fallacy loaded question hasty generalization circular reasoning false cause gambler's fallacy either/or thinking black and white thinking overgeneralization tunnel vision confirmation bias survivorship bias hindsight bias availability cascade anchoring effect status quo bias sunk cost fallacy framing effect cognitive dissonance reactance theory primacy effect recency effect illusory truth affect heuristic representativeness heuristic availability heuristic base rate neglect clustering illusion gambler's fallacy law of small numbers regression toward the mean placebo effect observer expectancy experimenter expectancy demand characteristics social desirability response set experimenter effects self fulfilling prophecy actor observer difference fundamental attribution error just world hypothesis groupthink outgroup homogeneity ingroup favoritism in group outgroup discrimination ultimate attribution error stereotype threat prejudice racism sexism ageism able ism homophobia xenophobia ethnocentrism cultural relativism authoritarian personality syndrome bystander apathy diffusion of responsibility pluralistic ignorance obedience to authority conformity informational influence normative influence minority influence group polarization deindividuation mob mentality herd behavior cult of personality charismatic leadership autocratic leadership democratic leadership laissez faire leadership situational leadership transactional leader transformational leader path goal theory servant leadership authentic leader ethical leader moral courage whistle blowing corporate social responsibility sustainability greenwashing triple bottom line stakeholder analysis environmental justice ecofeminist perspective ecological footprint carbon footprint global warming climate change ozone layer depletion acid rain deforestation desertification biodiversity loss species extinction ocean acidification coral bleaching ocean dead zones plastic pollution eutrophication water scarcity peak oil energy crisis renewable energy nuclear power fossil fuels hydraulic fracturing fracking shale gas tar sands offshore drilling mountaintop removal coal ash disposal air pollution particulate matter pm10 pm25 nitrogen dioxide sulfur dioxide ground level ozone lead poisoning




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