主要用到jquery.animation.easing.js 和jquery.mousewheel.min.js 两个jQuery插件。
- View Code
New tab
数据源 source.js
- View Code
- var hoverEffect = true; // set true for hover effect, set false for no hover effect
- var searchEngine = 'google'; // default search engine - set google for google search, bing for bing search, yahoo for yahoo search
- var numberOfScreens = 3; // set number of screens (1 or 2 or 3)
- var blockName = new Array(); // set names of blocks
- blockName[1] = 'Most used';
- blockName[2] = 'Social';
- blockName[3] = 'News & fun';
- var bookmark = new Array();
- bookmark[0] = new Array();
- bookmark[1] = new Array();
- bookmark[2] = new Array();
- // set your bookmarks here: (If you do not fill 'thumb' for thumbnail will be used title)
- bookmark[0][0] = {
- 'title':'YouTube',
- 'url':'http://youtube.com',
- 'thumb':'youtube.png'
- };
- bookmark[0][1] = {
- 'title':'Yahoo',
- 'url':'http://yahoo.com',
- 'thumb':'yahoo.png'
- };
- bookmark[0][2] = {
- 'title':'Grooveshark',
- 'url':'http://grooveshark.com',
- 'thumb':'grooveshark.png'
- };
- bookmark[0][3] = {
- 'title':'last.fm',
- 'url':'http://www.last.fm/',
- 'thumb':'lastfm.png'
- };
- bookmark[0][4] = {
- 'title':'twitter',
- 'url':'http://twitter.com',
- 'thumb':'twitter.png'
- };
- bookmark[0][5] = {
- 'title':'google',
- 'url':'http://google.com',
- 'thumb':'google.png'
- };
- bookmark[0][6] = {
- 'title':'facebook',
- 'url':'http://facebook.com',
- 'thumb':'facebook.png'
- };
- bookmark[0][7] = {
- 'title':'BBC news',
- 'url':'http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/',
- 'thumb':'bbcnews.png'
- };
- bookmark[0][8] = {
- 'title':'CNN',
- 'url':'http://www.cnn.com',
- 'thumb':'cnn.png'
- };
- bookmark[0][9] = {
- 'title':'deviantART',
- 'url':'http://deviantart.com',
- 'thumb':'deviantart.png'
- };
- bookmark[0][10] = {
- 'title':'wikipedia',
- 'url':'http://wikipedia.org',
- 'thumb':'wikipedia.png'
- };
- bookmark[0][11] = {
- 'title':'iTunes',
- 'url':'http://www.apple.com/itunes/',
- 'thumb':'itunes.png'
- };
- // end of FIRST BLOCK
- bookmark[1][0] = {
- 'title':'linkedin',
- 'url':'http://www.linkedin.com/',
- 'thumb':'linkedin.png'
- };
- bookmark[1][1] = {
- 'title':'digg',
- 'url':'http://digg.com/',
- 'thumb':'digg.png'
- };
- bookmark[1][2] = {
- 'title':'flickr',
- 'url':'http://www.flickr.com/',
- 'thumb':'flickr.png'
- };
- bookmark[1][3] = {
- 'title':'msn',
- 'url':'http://www.msn.com/',
- 'thumb':'msn.png'
- };
- bookmark[1][4] = {
- 'title':'reddit',
- 'url':'http://www.reddit.com/',
- 'thumb':'reddit.png'
- };
- bookmark[1][5] = {
- 'title':'skype',
- 'url':'http://www.skype.com/',
- 'thumb':'skype.png'
- };
- bookmark[1][6] = {
- 'title':'technorati',
- 'url':'http://technorati.com',
- 'thumb':'technorati.png'
- };
- bookmark[1][7] = {
- 'title':'delicious',
- 'url':'http://www.delicious.com/',
- 'thumb':'delicious.png'
- };
- bookmark[1][8] = {
- 'title':'MySpace',
- 'url':'http://www.myspace.com/',
- 'thumb':'myspace.png'
- };
- bookmark[1][9] = {
- 'title':'orkut',
- 'url':'http://www.orkut.com/',
- 'thumb':'orkut.png'
- };
- bookmark[1][10] = {
- 'title':'tumblr',
- 'url':'http://www.tumblr.com/',
- 'thumb':'tumblr.png'
- };
- bookmark[1][11] = {
- 'title':'StumbleUpon',
- 'url':'http://www.stumbleupon.com/',
- 'thumb':'stumbleupon.png'
- };
- //end of SECOND BLOCK
- bookmark[2][0] = {
- 'title':'eurosport',
- 'url':'http://www.eurosport.com/',
- 'thumb':'eurosport.png'
- };
- bookmark[2][1] = {
- 'title':'amazon',
- 'url':'http://www.amazon.com/',
- 'thumb':'amazon.png'
- };
- bookmark[2][2] = {
- 'title':'eBay',
- 'url':'http://www.ebay.com/',
- 'thumb':'ebay.png'
- };
- bookmark[2][3] = {
- 'title':'IMDb',
- 'url':'http://www.imdb.com/',
- 'thumb':'imdb.png'
- };
- bookmark[2][4] = {
- 'title':'vimeo',
- 'url':'http://vimeo.com',
- 'thumb':'vimeo.png'
- };
- bookmark[2][5] = {
- 'title':'lifehacker',
- 'url':'http://lifehacker.com/',
- 'thumb':'lifehacker.png'
- };
- bookmark[2][6] = {
- 'title':'engadged',
- 'url':'http://www.engadget.com/',
- 'thumb':'engadget.png'
- };
- bookmark[2][7] = {
- 'title':'zune',
- 'url':'http://www.zune.net/',
- 'thumb':'zune.png'
- };
- bookmark[2][8] = {
- 'title':'dropbox',
- 'url':'http://www.dropbox.com/',
- 'thumb':'dropbox.png'
- };
- bookmark[2][9] = {
- 'title':'National Geographic',
- 'url':'http://www.nationalgeographic.com/',
- 'thumb':'natgeo.png'
- };
- bookmark[2][10] = {
- 'title':'CBC news',
- 'url':'http://www.cbc.ca/news/',
- 'thumb':'cbcnews.png'
- };
- bookmark[2][11] = {
- 'title':'weather.com',
- 'url':'http://www.weather.com/',
- 'thumb':'weather.png'
- };
核心脚本 script.js
- View Code
- $(document).ready(function(){
- var num = numberOfScreens;
- for(var i=1;i<=num;i++){
- $('#name'+i).html(blockName[i]);
- }
- if(hoverEffect){
- for(i=1;i<=num;i++){
- $('').appendTo('head');
- };
- };
- if(searchEngine=='google'){
- search='http://www.google.com/search';
- }
- else if(searchEngine=='bing'){
- search='http://www.bing.com/search';
- }
- else if(searchEngine=='yahoo'){
- search='http://search.yahoo.com/bin/search';
- }
- else{
- search='http://www.google.com/search';
- searchEngine='google';
- };
- $('form').attr('action',search);
- $('#search-engine').css('background','#fff url(img/'+searchEngine+'.png) center center no-repeat');
- var windowWidth = $(window).width();
- var windowHeight = $(window).height();
- var left1 = Math.floor((windowWidth - 960)/2);
- var left2 = left1 - 1040;
- var left3 = left1 - 2080;
- var wrapperTop = Math.floor((windowHeight - 480)/2)-60;
- $('#place').css({'left':left1,'top':wrapperTop});
- var wrapperPos = 1;
- $('#wrapper1 input:text').focus();
- var animDone = true;
- function anim1to2(){
- $('#wrapper1 input:text').focusout();
- animDone = false;
- $('#place').animate({
- left: left2,
- },1000,'circEaseOut',function() {
- $('#wrapper2 input:text').focus();
- animDone = true;
- wrapperPos = 2;
- });
- $('#button1to2').hide();
- $('#button2to1').show();
- if(num>2){
- $('#button2to3').show();
- $('#button3to2').hide();
- };
- };
- function anim2to1(){
- $('#wrapper2 input:text').focusout();
- animDone = false;
- $('#place').animate({
- left: left1
- },1000,'circEaseOut',function() {
- $('#wrapper1 input:text').focus();
- animDone = true;
- wrapperPos = 1;
- });
- $('#button1to2').show();
- $('#button2to1').hide();
- if(num>2){
- $('#button2to3').hide();
- $('#button3to2').hide();
- };
- };
- function anim2to3(){
- $('#wrapper2 input:text').focusout();
- animDone = false;
- $('#place').animate({
- left: left3
- },1000,'circEaseOut',function() {
- $('#wrapper3 input:text').focus();
- animDone = true;
- wrapperPos = 3;
- });
- $('#button1to2').hide();
- $('#button3to2').show();
- $('#button2to1').hide();
- $('#button2to3').h
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