1. 利用SEO优化
SEO(Search Engine Optimization) 搜索引擎优化是目前应用最广泛也是效果有保证的方法之一,它能够大大促进关键字出现在各大引擎中,从而吸引到大量浏览者来此留存。SEO手法包含了关键词选定、Meta标记、URL命名、图片Alt标志、文字密度以及外部链接整理7大部分;
2. 针对性广告
广告作为影响人气有效诱因之一, 虽然广告代价昂贵, 但是却能够快速将相关信息带到相应人士看来; 3. 社交平台上进行宣传
社交平台上也是影响人气很好的手法, 如Facebook, Twitter, Instagram 等; 4. 高效追随者
追随者就好���“忠实”读者, 正如《The New York Times》就有20000+Twitter followers; 5. 多样化内容
多样化内容也能够吸引看客留存时间: 文字 + 图片 + 视频 + 音乐 = 有意思! 6. 各大APP Store上进行App Store Optimization (ASO)
ASO就好��SEO般去影响App Store中app/game/software/booking…etc., ranking position & visibility in the store search results page and category pages; 7. Email Marketing
Email marketing依然是digital marketing中重要手法之一: newsletter / email blast / autoresponder…etc.; 8. Affiliate Program
Affiliate program就好球referral program般去promote products or services to potential customers through an affiliate network or individual affiliates who earn a commission when a sale is made as a result of their promotion efforts; 9 . Content Marketing
Content marketing依然没有outdated: blog post / article writing / press release distribution…etc.; 10 . Mobile App Promotion
Mobile app promotion也正成风: Google Adwords for mobile apps / Facebook Ads for mobile apps … etc.. 11 . Online PR Online PR依然很important : press release submission & distribution service providers like PRWeb , Business Wire , Marketwire … etc.. 12 . Social Media Advertising Social media advertising also plays important role in digital marketing : Facebook Ads , Twitter Ads , LinkedIn Ads … etc.. 13 . Video Marketing Video marketing is becoming more popular nowadays : YouTube video ads , Vimeo video ads .. 14 . Display Advertising Display advertising still works well if you have enough budget to spend on it : Google Adwords display network (GDN) ; 15 . Paid Search Paid search also helps to increase website traffic and PV value : Google Adwords PPC campaigns ; 16 . Native Advertising Native advertising can help you reach out your target audience easily with less cost than other forms of online advertisement ; 17 . Retargeting Retargeting helps you keep track of visitors who have already visited your website before and show them relevant advertisements based on their previous activities on your site ; 18 . Remarketing Remarketing allows you to target users who have previously interacted with your brand by showing them relevant ads across different websites they visit after leaving yours ; 19 IP Address Tracking IP address tracking can be used to identify unique visitors from same IP address so that the PV value can be increased without changing the actual IP address of the website ; 20 IPv6 Support IPv6 support will enable websites to access larger number of users since most internet users are now using IPv6 protocol instead of traditional IPv4 protocol which has limited capacity for new connections due to its 32-bit addressing system compared with 128-bit addressing system offered by IPv6 protocol which provides much larger space for new connections thus increasing overall PV value significantly over time without any additional effort required from webmasters side except enabling support for this latest version of Internet Protocols (IP).
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