jBpm是一个灵活可扩展的工作流管理系统。作为 jBpm运行时server输入的业务流程使用简单强大的语言表达并打包在流程档案中。jBmp将工作流应用开发的便利性和杰出的企业应用集成(EAI) 能力结合了起来。jBmp包括一个Web应用程序和一个日程安排程序。jBmp是一组J2SE组件,可以作为J2EE应用集群部署。
jBPM 团队刚发布了 jBPM 5.2 正式版,jBPM 是一个开源的商业流程管理引擎,支持 BPMN2。
你可以下载 完整安装程序 并根据 安装文档 来开始使用 jBPM,或者先了解一下 jBPM 的 一些例子.
jBPM 5.2 主要包括某些方面的优化、bug修复和小改进,主要包含如下几方面内容:
◆ domain-specific service repository: the ability to import domain-specific services from a repository so you can immediately use them in your processes, e.g. twitter integration, FTP, web or REST service, etc. This is ideal for non-technical users to integrate with external services
◆ improved persistence support for multiple databases and backwards compatibility
◆ jbpm-test: new module that offers improved support for JUnit testing of processes, including the automatic setup of the necessary datasources and services on the fly
◆ support for Java7
◆ added support for JBoss AS7, which is now used as the default application server in the jbpm-installer
◆ Integration with the domain-specific service repository
◆ Visual Process Validation: new features allows users to visually validate their processes at edit time
◆ Ability to view the process in ERDF, JSON, PDF, PNG, BPMN2, and SVG formats
◆ New Process Information section: contains information about the process, such as name, creation date, version, etc
◆ jBPM 3.2 Process Migration: new feature allows users to migrate existing jBPM 3.2-based processes to BPMN2
◆ Ability to import existing bpmn2 processes straight into designer
◆ Ability to create "sharable" process image, PDF, and ability to generate code for embedding designer in custom applications
◆ Support four boundary events
◆ Visual support for Text Annotations, Groups, and Lanes
◆ Support for sub-processes
◆ Update to latest Guvnor
Human task service
◆ introduction of the task service interface, and interface to interact with the (default) human task service (independent of the underlying communication pattern and technology)
◆ user group callback: easily integrate with your own service for user / group validation and user-group-management (which users are part of which groups)
◆ local task service: a local implementation of the task service that runs locally, next to the process engine, and (re)uses the same transaction of the core engine
◆ human task service war: deploy the human task service as a service on your application server
jBPM console
◆ updated to latest version of the JBoss BPM console
◆ console synchronizes with the process definitions (and other assets) from all packages in the Guvnor repository
◆ updated BIRT reporting to latest version
Eclipse plugin
◆ jBPM perspective: Eclipse perspective that simplifies workspace configuration
◆ more advanced jBPM project wizard
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