1. 明确目标:首先要明确站点的定位及目标,包括服务对象、内容主题、交互方式以及希望达到的效果。这是SEOer在优化前必须考虑的重要因素。
2. 用户行为分析:通过用户行为分析来理解用户在使用站点时所遵循的流程,并根据此来优化站点内容和界面布局。
3. 寻找关键词:选准合适的关键词是SEOer必不可少的工作之一;考察当前市场上流行语义中字词出处、意思及使用情况; 选准合适能够代表文章内容物理意义上最好呈现文字信息, 进而将文字信息传递出去; 吸引大量真正有效购买力人士来浏览购买。
4. SEO优化: SEOer应当注意URL地址、Meta标记(title/description)以及H1-H6标题都要尽量使用关键词, 在文中尽量多高度引申出相关性很强的单词, 这些都是SEOer必不可少要注意并进行优化工作之一。
1. 链 接 : 链 接 本 质 上 来 说 , 就 是 站 外 向 站 内 “ 连 ” ; SEOe r 需 要 多高度注意“ 外郭 ” (outbound link ) , “ 内郭 ” (inbound link ) , anchor text , nofollow tag ; 2 . URL : URL 本 贩子上来看就是“ web address” ; SEOe r 需要波勤勤劳努力将URL中keyword呈现得合理易显; 3 . Meta Tag : meta tag 本例子上杲看就是 title / description / keyword ; SEOe r 需要将meta tag中keyword呈赶零温易显; 4 . H1 - H6 Tag : h1 - h6 tag 本例子上杲看就是h1 - h6 heading tags ; seoe r need to make sure the keywords are included in the headings and subheadings of the page content for better visibility and ranking on search engine result pages 5 . Content Optimization : content optimization is one of the most important aspects of seo as it helps to ensure that your website has relevant and useful information that can be easily found by users searching for related topics or products 6 . Image Optimization : image optimization is also an important part of seo as it helps to improve user experience by making images easier to find and load faster 7 . Site Speed Optimization : site speed optimization is essential for improving user experience as well as helping with search engine rankings 8 . Mobile Friendly Design & Development: mobile friendly design & development ensures that your website looks great on all devices including smartphones, tablets etc 9 . Social Media Integration: social media integration allows you to reach out to a wider audience through various platforms such as facebook, twitter etc 10. Analytics & Tracking: analytics & tracking tools help you track visitor behaviour on your website so that you can optimize accordingly
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