- void evictEntries() {
- if (!evicts()) {
- return;
- }
- //先从edn区淘汰
- int candidates = evictFromEden();
- //eden淘汰后的数据进入main区,然后再从main区淘汰
- evictFromMain(candidates);
- }
- int evictFromEden() {
- int candidates = 0;
- Node
node = accessOrderEdenDeque().peek(); - while (edenWeightedSize() > edenMaximum()) {
- // The pending operations will adjust the size to reflect the correct weight
- if (node == null) {
- break;
- }
- Node
next = node.getNextInAccessOrder(); - if (node.getWeight() != 0) {
- node.makeMainProbation();
- //先从eden区移除
- accessOrderEdenDeque().remove(node);
- //移除的数据加入到main区的probation队列
- accessOrderProbationDeque().add(node);
- candidates++;
- lazySetEdenWeightedSize(edenWeightedSize() - node.getPolicyWeight());
- }
- node = next;
- }
- return candidates;
- }
- void evictFromMain(int candidates) {
- int victimQueue = PROBATION;
- Node
victim = accessOrderProbationDeque().peekFirst(); - Node
candidate = accessOrderProbationDeque().peekLast(); - while (weightedSize() > maximum()) {
- // Stop trying to evict candidates and always prefer the victim
- if (candidates == 0) {
- candidate = null;
- }
- // Try evicting from the protected and eden queues
- if ((candidate == null) && (victim == null)) {
- if (victimQueue == PROBATION) {
- victim = accessOrderProtectedDeque().peekFirst();
- victimQueue = PROTECTED;
- continue;
- } else if (victimQueue == PROTECTED) {
- victim = accessOrderEdenDeque().peekFirst();
- victimQueue = EDEN;
- continue;
- }
- // The pending operations will adjust the size to reflect the correct weight
- break;
- }
- // Skip over entries with zero weight
- if ((victim != null) && (victim.getPolicyWeight() == 0)) {
- victim = victim.getNextInAccessOrder();
- continue;
- } else if ((candidate != null) && (candidate.getPolicyWeight() == 0)) {
- candidate = candidate.getPreviousInAccessOrder();
- candidates--;
- continue;
- }
- // Evict immediately if only one of the entries is present
- if (victim == null) {
- candidates--;
- Node
evict = candidate; - candidate = candidate.getPreviousInAccessOrder();
- evictEntry(evict, RemovalCause.SIZE, 0L);
- continue;
- } else if (candidate == null) {
- Node
evict = victim; - victim = victim.getNextInAccessOrder();
- evictEntry(evict, RemovalCause.SIZE, 0L);
- continue;
- }
- // Evict immediately if an entry was collected
- K victimKey = victim.getKey();
- K candidateKey = candidate.getKey();
- if (victimKey == null) {
- Node
evict = victim; - victim = victim.getNextInAccessOrder();
- evictEntry(evict, RemovalCause.COLLECTED, 0L);
- continue;
- } else if (candidateKey == null) {
- candidates--;
- Node
evict = candidate; - candidate = candidate.getPreviousInAccessOrder();
- evictEntry(evict, RemovalCause.COLLECTED, 0L);
- continue;
- }
- // Evict immediately if the candidate's weight exceeds the maximum
- if (candidate.getPolicyWeight() > maximum()) {
- candidates--;
- Node
evict = candidate; - candidate = candidate.getPreviousInAccessOrder();
- evictEntry(evict, RemovalCause.SIZE, 0L);
- continue;
- }
- // Evict the entry with the lowest frequency
- candidates--;
- //最核心算法在这里:从probation的头尾取出两个node进行比较频率,频率更小者将被remove
- if (admit(candidateKey, victimKey)) {
- Node
evict = victim; - victim = victim.getNextInAccessOrder();
- evictEntry(evict, RemovalCause.SIZE, 0L);
- candidate = candidate.getPreviousInAccessOrder();
- } else {
- Node
evict = candidate; - candidate = candidate.getPreviousInAccessOrder();
- evictEntry(evict, RemovalCause.SIZE, 0L);
- }
- }
- }
- boolean admit(K candidateKey, K victimKey) {
- int victimFreq = frequencySketch().frequency(victimKey);
- int candidateFreq = frequencySketch().frequency(candidateKey);
- //如果候选者的频率高就淘汰被驱逐者
- if (candidateFreq > victimFreq) {
- return true;
- //如果被驱逐者比候选者的频率高,并且候选者频率小于等于5则淘汰者
- } else if (candidateFreq <= 5) {
- // The maximum frequency is 15 and halved to 7 after a reset to age the history. An attack
- // exploits that a hot candidate is rejected in favor of a hot victim. The threshold of a warm
- // candidate reduces the number of random acceptances to minimize the impact on the hit rate.
- return false;
- }
- //随机淘汰
- int random = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt();
- return ((random & 127) == 0);
- }
- //onAccess方法触发该方法
- void reorderProbation(Node
node) { - if (!accessOrderProbationDeque().contains(node)) {
- // Ignore stale accesses for an entry that is no longer present
- return;
- } else if (node.getPolicyWeight() > mainProtectedMaximum()) {
- return;
- }
- long mainProtectedWeightedSize = mainProtectedWeightedSize() + node.getPolicyWeight();
- //先从probation中移除
- accessOrderProbationDeque().remove(node);
- //加入到protected中
- accessOrderProtectedDeque().add(node);
- node.makeMainProtected();
- long mainProtectedMaximum = mainProtectedMaximum();
- //从protected中移除
- while (mainProtectedWeightedSize > mainProtectedMaximum) {
- Node
demoted = accessOrderProtectedDeque().pollFirst(); - if (demoted == null) {
- break;
- }
- demoted.makeMainProbation();
- //加入到probation中
- accessOrderProbationDeque().add(demoted);
- mainProtectedWeightedSize -= node.getPolicyWeight();
- }
- lazySetMainProtectedWeightedSize(mainProtectedWeightedSize);
- }
传统LFU一般使用key-value形式来记录每个key的频率,优点是数据结构非常简单,并且能跟缓存本身的数据结构复用,增加一个属性记录频率就行了,它的缺点也比较明显就是频率这个属性会占用很大的空间,但如果改用压缩方式存储频率呢? 频率占用空间肯定可以减少,但会引出另外一个问题:怎么从压缩后的数据里获得对应key的频率呢?
TinyLFU的解决方案是类似位图的方法,将key取hash值获得它的位下标,然后用这个下标来找频率,但位图只有0、1两个值,那频率明显可能会非常大,这要怎么处理呢? 另外使用位图需要预占非常大的空间,这个问题怎么解决呢?
- public void increment(@Nonnull E e) {
- if (isNotInitialized()) {
- return;
- }
- int hash = spread(e.hashCode());
- int start = (hash & 3) << 2;
- // Loop unrolling improves throughput by 5m ops/s
- int index0 = indexOf(hash, 0); //indexOf也是一种hash方法,不过会通过tableMask来限制范围
- int index1 = indexOf(hash, 1);
- int index2 = indexOf(hash, 2);
- int index3 = indexOf(hash, 3);
- boolean added = incrementAt(index0, start);
- added |= incrementAt(index1, start + 1);
- added |= incrementAt(index2, start + 2);
- added |= incrementAt(index3, start + 3);
- //当数据写入次数达到数据长度时就重置
- if (added && (++size == sampleSize)) {
- reset();
- }
- }
- boolean incrementAt(int i, int j) {
- int offset = j << 2;
- long mask = (0xfL << offset);
- //当已达到15时,次数不再增加
- if ((table[i] & mask) != mask) {
- table[i] += (1L << offset);
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- public int frequency(@Nonnull E e) {
- if (isNotInitialized()) {
- return 0;
- }
- int hash = spread(e.hashCode());
- int start = (hash & 3) << 2;
- int frequency = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
- //四次hash
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- int index = indexOf(hash, i);
- //获得bit位四位的Int值
- int count = (int) ((table[index] >>> ((start + i) << 2)) & 0xfL);
- //取最小值
- frequency = Math.min(frequency, count);
- }
- return frequency;
- }
- void reset() {
- int count = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < table.length; i++) {
- count += Long.bitCount(table[i] & ONE_MASK);
- table[i] = (table[i] >>> 1) & RESET_MASK;
- }
- size = (size >>> 1) - (count >>> 2);
- }
分享题目:一篇学会Caffeine W-TinyLFU源码分析
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