1. 压缩图片大小
将原始大小的图片压缩成适合视觉效果要求并且文件大小也能够保证流畅加载速度。例如使用JPEG格式来存储彩色团体,PNG格式存储单一颜色或者GIF格式存储加上alpha 通道(Alpha Channel) 的彩色/单一颜 色 团体, 来减少文件大小; 使用CSS3 Sprites 技术将多个icon/image 合并成一个sprite sheet , 然后再通过background-position CSS 属性来实 现快速加 载; 使用SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) 来代 替 PNG / JPEG / GIF 等 bitmap image format . SVG 本 贸是 XML based vector image format , 高度可扩展 , 大 多数海狸海狸都去得到其支 政 ;
2. 高效资源请求
避免重复请求相同URL ;避免HTTP 302 redirects ;避免DNS Lookup overhead by using CDN (Content Delivery Network); Use HTTP Cache to reduce the number of requests and improve loading speed; Use Gzip compression to compress resources before sending them over the network.
3. Web Font Optimization
Use web fonts instead of images for text elements on your website; Preload web fonts with tag in HTML head section or use JavaScript preloading technique to make sure that font is loaded before it’s used by browser; Minify font files and optimize their size as much as possible.
4. Image Lazy Loading
Lazy loading is a technique which defers loading of non-critical resources at page load time until they are needed later during user interaction with the page, such as scrolling down or hovering over an element etc.; This helps us save bandwidth and improve performance by only downloading necessary resources when they are actually required by user instead of downloading all assets upfront at page load time itself.
5. Responsive Images
Responsive images allow us to serve different versions of same image depending upon device type, viewport size etc., thus saving bandwidth and improving performance on mobile devices where connection speeds can be slow compared to desktop computers.; We can also use srcset attribute along with sizes attribute in img tag so that browser can decide which version of image should be downloaded depending upon device type & viewport size automatically without any manual intervention from our side.; We can also use picture element along with source tags inside it for more control over responsive images implementation if we need it..
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