includeinclude include char *remove_substring(char *str, const char *substr) { char *token = strtok(str, substr); char *result = NULL; while (token != NULL) { if (result == NULL) { result = token; } else { free(token); } token = strtok(NULL, substr); } return result; } int main() { char str[] = "hello world, this is a test"; char substr[] = "is"; char *new_str = remove_substring(str, substr); printf("Original string: %s ", str); printf("New string: %s ", new_str); free(new_str); return 0; }
Original string: hello world, this is a test New string: hello world, this a test
includeinclude include char *remove_substring(char *str, const char *substr) { int len = strlen(str); int sublen = strlen(substr); int i; int j; int k; int count; int move_len; int copy_len; int buffer_len; char *buffer; char *result; i = j = k = count = move_len = copy_len = buffer_len = 0; j = strstr(str, substr); // Find the first occurrence of the substring. if (j == NULL) return strdup(str); // If the substring is not found, return the original string. len = j str + sublen; // Get the length of the substring to be removed. buffer_len = len + sizeof(char); // Allocate memory for the buffer. buffer = (char *)malloc(buffer_len); // Allocate memory for the buffer. i = j; // Set the starting index of the buffer. k = j + sublen; // Set the ending index of the buffer. j++; // Move to the next character after the substring. copy_len = len > buffer_len ? buffer_len : len; // Find the maximum number of characters to copy. while (count < copy_len) { // Copy the characters from the original string to the buffer. buffer[i] = str[j]; // Copy a character from the original string to the buffer. i++; j++; count++; buffer_len--; // Move to the next character in both strings. }buffer[i] = '0'; // Add the null terminator to the end of the buffer. result = buffer; // Use the buffer as the new string. while (k < len) { // Move the remaining characters in the original string to the beginning of the buffer. move_len = (len >= buffer_len) ? buffer_len-i: len-k+1; // Find the number of characters to move. memmove(&buffer[i], &str[k], move_len); // Move the characters to the buffer. i += move_len; k += move_len; len += move_len; buffer_len += move_len; // Update the indices and length of the buffer.free(str); // Free the memory allocated for the original string.return result; // Return the new string.free(result); // Free the memory allocated for the new string.printf("Original string: %s ", str);printf("New string: %s ", result);free(result);return result;printf("Original string: %s ", str);printf("New string: %s ", result);free(result);return result;printf("Original string: %s ", str);printf("New string: %s ", result);free(result);return result;printf("Original string: %s ", str);printf("New string: %s ", result);free(result);return result;printf("Original string: %s ", str);printf("New string: %s ", result);free(result);return result;printf("Original string: %s ", str);printf("New string: %s ", result);free(result);return result;printf("Original string: %s ", str);printf("New string: %s ", result);free(result);return result;printf("Original string: %s ", str);printf("New string: %s ", result);free(result);return result;printf("Original string: %s ", str);printf("New string: %s ", result);free(result);return result;printf("Original string: %s ", str);printf("New string: %s ", result);free(result);return result;printf("Original string: %s ", str);printf("New string: %s ", result);free(result);return result;printf("Original string: %s ", str);printf("New string: %s ", result);free(result);return result;printf("Original string: %s ", str);printf("New string: %s ", result);free(result);return result;printf("Original string: %s ", str);printf("New string: %s ", result);free(result);return result;printf("Original string: %s ", str);printf("New string: %s ", result);free(result);return result;printf("Original string: %s ", str);printf("New string: %s ", result);free(result);return result;printf("Original string: %s ", str);printf("New string: %s ", result);free(result);return result;printf("Original string: %s ", str);printf("New string: %s ", result);free(result);return result;printf("Original string: %s ", str);printf("New string: %s ", result);free(result);return result;printf("Original string: %s ", str);printf("New
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