(1) 识别开放数据库
(2) 后渗透处理
(3) 其他功能
- git clone https://github.com/citcheese/ODBParser.git
我建议广大研究人员创建一个ODBParser的虚拟环境,该工具目前尽在Windows 10(Python 3.7.3)环境中进行过测试。
- Examples: python ODBParser.py -cn US -p 8080 -t users --elastic --shodan --csv --limit 100
- python ODBParser.py -ip 192.168.2:8080 --mongo --ignorelogs --nosizelimits
- Damage to-date: 0 servers parsed | 0 databases dumped | 0 records pulled
- _____________________________________________________________________________
- optional arguments:
- -h, --help show this help message and exit
- Query Options:
- --shodan, -sh Add this flag if using Shodan. Specify ES or MDB w/
- flags.
- --binary, -be Add this flag if using BinaryEdge. Specify ES or MDB
- w/ flags.
- --ip , -ip Query one server. Add port like so ''
- or will use default ports for each db type. Add ES or
- MDB flags to specify parser.
- --file , -f Load line-separated IPs from file. Add port or will
- assume default ports for each db type. Add ES or MDB
- flags to specify parser.
- --paste, -v Query line-separated IPs from clipboard. Add port or
- will assume default ports for each db type, e.g. 9200
- for ES. Add ES or MDB flags to specify parser.
- Shodan/BinaryEdge Options:
- --limit , -l Max number of results per query. Default is
- 500.
- --port , -p Filter by port.
- --country , -cn Filter by country (two-letter country code).
- --terms , -t Enter any additional query terms you want here, e.g.
- 'users'
- Dump Options:
- --mongo, -mdb Use for IP, Shodan, BinaryEdge & Paste methods to
- specify parser.
- --elastic, -es Use for IP, Shodan, BinaryEdge & Paste methods to
- specify parser.
- --properjson, -pj Add this flag if would like out put to be proper JSON
- file. Default is one JSON string object per line.
- --database , -db Specify database you want to grab. For MDB must be in
- format format 'db:collection'. Use with IP arg & 'es'
- or 'mdb' flag
- --getall, -g Get all indices regardless of fields and
- collection/index names (overrides selections in config
- file).
- --ignorelogs Connect to a server you've already checked out.
- --nosizelimits, -n Dump index no matter how big it is. Default max doc
- count is 800,000.
- --csv Convert JSON dumps into CSV format on the fly. (Puts
- JSON files in backup folder in case there is issue
- with coversion)
- CSV/Post-processing Options:
- --convertToCSV , -c Convert JSON file or folder of JSON dumps to CSVs
- after the fact. Enter full path or folder name in
- current working directory
- --dontflatten Use if run into memory issues converting JSON files to
- CSV during post-processing.
- --basic Use with --convertToCSV flag if your JSON dumps are
- not true JSON files, but rather line separated JSON
- objects that you got from other sources.
- --dontclean, -dc Choose if want to keep useless data when convert to
- CSV. See docs for more info.
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