深入探讨数据库相关的英语术语和概念 (数据库相关英语)



Database has become an integral part of information technology, and it is utilized to store, manage and retrieve data. As such, understanding database-related terminologies, concepts and practices is critical for individuals interested in information technology. Through this article, we explore various concepts related to databases, including terminologies such as Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS), Structured Query Language (SQL), and concepts such as normalization, triggers, and indexes.

Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS)

A Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) is a database management system that employs a relational model to organize data in tables. In an RDBMS-based system, data is stored in rows and columns – with each column representing a characteristic of the data, while the row represents an instance of the data. Common examples of RDBMS-based systems are Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, and MySQL.

Structured Query Language (SQL)

Structured Query Language (SQL) is used to manage and communicate with RDBMS. With SQL, users can perform various operations, including inserting data into a database, retrieving information from a database, and updating or deleting stored data. When using SQL commands, it’s important to follow the correct syntax to ensure the effectiveness of the command.


Normalization is the process of organizing data in a database in a way that minimizes redundancy and dependency. Normalization is done by dividing large tables into aller tables and defining the relationships between these tables. The benefits of normalization are that it helps to minimize data redundancy, ensures consistency and avoids data anomalies.


Triggers are statements defined in an RDBMS system that are automatically executed when a specific event occurs. These events could include record updates or deletion. Triggers are essential because they enable databases to remn up-to-date by automatically enforcing business rules or performing tasks.


An index is a database object that provides quick access to data rows. Indexes improve query performance in RDBMS systems by reducing the time it takes to find and retrieve specific data. There are typically two types of indexes: clustered and non-clustered. A clustered index determines the storage order of data in a table, while a non-clustered index is created outside the table and pointed to specific data.


In conclusion, database-related terminologies, concepts and practices play a critical role in enabling effective data management. The understanding of these terms such as RDBMS, SQL, normalization, triggers, and indexes can help individuals perform efficient data management tasks, thereby making information technology a more effective and efficient industry. As businesses continue to move towards data-driven strategies, the need for individuals skilled in database management will continue to rise. Thus, a sound knowledge of these terminologies and concepts is an important investment for individuals seeking to optimize their careers in information technology.


  • 数据库管理系统的英文缩写是什么?
  • 英语翻译 数据库,逻辑结构,


Database 数据库

database management system 数据库管理系统

DBMSdatabase management system


数据库database 简写db

数据库管理系统database managment system 简写dbms


database management system

英语翻译 数据库,逻辑结构,

physical structure 物理结构

logical structure 逻辑结构

data base 数据库

In a data base,the establishing of the correspondences between a given logical structure and a given physical structure.


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文章题目:深入探讨数据库相关的英语术语和概念 (数据库相关英语)



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