Red Hat上的Nagios对象的概述
Nagios是一款开源的持续监控工具,用于检测网络、应用程序和服务器的健康状况,它可以帮助管理员快速发现并解决潜在的问题,确保系统的稳定性和可靠性,在本文中,我们将介绍如何在Red Hat系统上安装和配置Nagios,以及如何使用Nagios对象来监控和管理主机、服务和网络。
1、1 安装依赖库
在开始安装Nagios之前,需要先安装一些依赖库,在Red Hat系统上,可以使用以下命令安装这些库:
sudo yum install -y epel-release sudo yum install -y wget git gcc make autoconf libtool ncurses-devel pcre-devel openssl-devel
1、2 下载Nagios源码
1、3 解压源码包并进入目录
tar xzvf nagios-4.4.6.tar.gz cd nagios-4.4.6/
1、4 编译和安装Nagios
./configure --with-command-group=nagcmd --with-user=nagios --with-group=nagios --with-sysconfdir=/etc/nagios --with-configdir=/etc/nagios/conf.d --with-libexecdir=/usr/local/nagios/libexec --prefix=/usr/local/nagios --enable-command-checks --enable-auth-checks --enable-host-checks --enable-service-checks --enable-socket-checks --enable-proctitle-checks --enable-syslog-checks --enable-win32-eventlog --enable-inotify --with-win32inotifymodule=inotifywait --with-win32eventlogmodule=eventlogapi --with-win32servicemgrmodule=service --with-ipv6 --with-netbsd --with-openbsd --with-aix --with-hpux --with-solaris --with-irix64 --with-freebsd8--disable-perlbrew --without-pgsql --without-mysqld --without-oracledb --without-sqlite3 --without-tcl --without-rubygems --without-nanobox --without-mssqlserver make all install
2、1 创建配置文件目录
sudo mkdir /etc/nagios/conf.d
2、2 编写配置文件
sudo vi /etc/nagios/conf.d/mysite.cfg
define host { use generic-host; host_name mysite; Replace with your site name or IP address (required) alias mysite; Replace with your site name or IP address (required) } define service { Define the service to be monitored (required) This is an example of a TCP check on port 5000 for the Apache HTTP server Hostname Check Type Check Protocol Check Command Check Interval Notification Period Max Resp Time Timeout Severity Context Notes This is an example of a TCP check on port 5000 for the Apache HTTP server ********************************* Hostname Check Type Check Protocol Check Command Check Interval Notification Period Max Resp Time Timeout Severity Context Notes This is an example of a TCP check on port 5000 for the MySQL database ************* Hostname Check Type Check Protocol Check Command Check Interval Notification Period Max Resp Time Timeout Severity Context Notes This is an example of a TCP check on port 5000 for the PostgreSQL database ********************************** Hostname Check Type Check Protocol Check Command Check Interval Notification Period Max Resp Time Timeout Severity Context Notes This is an example of a TCP check on port 5000 for the PHP script You can replace "php" with the command to execute your PHP script and replace "localhost" with the IP address or FQDN of your server Hostname Check Type Check Protocol Check Command Check Interval Notification Period Max Resp Time Timeout Severity Context Notes This is an example of a TCP check on port 5000 for the SSH service You can replace "ssh" with the command to execute your SSH check and replace "localhost" with the IP address or FQDN of your server Hostname Check Type Check Protocol Check Command Check Interval Notification Period Max Resp Time Timeout Severity Context Notes This is an example of a UDP check on port 5000 for the NTP service You can replace "ntp" with the command to execute your NTP check and replace "localhost" with the IP address or FQDN of your server Hostname Check Type Check Protocol Check Command Check Interval Notification Period Max Resp Time Timeout Severity Context Notes This is an example of a HTTP check on port 80 for the Web server You can replace "http" with the command to execute your HTTP check and replace "localhost" with the IP address or FQDN of your server Hostname Check Type Check Protocol Check Command Check Interval Notification Period Max Resp Time Timeout Severity Context Notes This is an example of a DNS check for A records for the domain name You can replace "domain" with the domain name you want to monitor and replace "localhost" with the IP address or FQDN of your server Hostname Check Type Check Protocol Check Command Check Interval Notification Period Max Resp Time Timeout Severity Context Notes This is an example of a DNS check for CNAME records for the domain name You can replace "domain" with the domain name you want to monitor and replace "localhost" as well as other possible values for CNAME records and replace "localhost" with the IP address or FQDN of your server Hostname Check Type Check Protocol Check Command Check Interval Notification Period Max Resp Time Timeout Severity Context Notes This is an example of a WGET check to download a file from a URL You can replace "url" with the URL of the file you want to download and replace "localhost" as well as other possible values for CNAME records and replace "localhost" with the IP address or FQDN of your server } define service { mysite { use generic-service; check_command wget -qO$LOCALFILE $HOSTADDRESS$PORT$ARGUMENTS; check_interval 60;
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