
Database Joins: Understanding Data in Another Table


In the world of databases, relating and linking data is an essential aspect. Databases store large amounts of data, typically across multiple tables or even across multiple databases. This is why database joins are crucial in making meaning out of raw data. Without them, the level of ysis that we can perform is limited. In this article, we will seek to understand what database joins are, the types of joins and how to use them effectively.

What is a Database Join?

In simple terms, a join is a method of combining data from two or more tables in a database to obtn a comprehensive set of results. One of the unique aspects of a join is that it allows for the linking of tables based on relationships that exist between them. Therefore, when we merge data from various tables using joins, we primarily do so based on a shared column between the various tables.

For example, if we have two tables in which one table contns customer information and the second table contns product information, we can use the customer ID in each table to join the tables. By doing so, we are creating a dataset that links a customer with the product they have purchased.

Types of Database Joins

1. Inner Join

An inner join is a common type of join used in databases. Inner joins return only the records that exist in both tables being linked. In essence, inner joins are used to extract records that have a common value in both tables.

2. Left Join

Unlike Inner joins, left joins consider all records in the left table and the records in the right table that have a match with the left. If there are records in the left table that have no corresponding records in the right table, they will still be displayed, with NULL values displayed in the columns from the right table.

3. Right Join

Right joins are similar to Left joins, but tables will be swapped. All records on the right table will be displayed, and the corresponding records from the left table, if there are any, will also be displayed. If there are no matching records in the left table, there will be NULL values in the columns coming from the left table.

4. Full Outer Join

A Full Outer Join returns all records from both the left and right tables. Where there are no matching records, NULL values are displayed.

Benefits of Using Joins in Databases

1. Reduction of Data Duplication

When we use joins to extract data from a relational database system, we can reduce duplication of the same data. Instead, we can store the data once and retrieve that data using joins from other tables as required.

2. Data Integrity

Joining tables based on unique identifiers ensures that data is only represented once in the database. This helps to ensure data accuracy and integrity since duplicate entries or conflicting records can be eliminated.

3. Easier Analysis

As we mentioned earlier, when we combine data from different tables using joins, we are creating a dataset that links records from various tables. This dataset can make data ysis easier since data is already linked based on relationships between different records.

In conclusion, database joins play a vital role in the extraction of data from large databases. They help to reduce data duplication, ensure data accuracy and integrity, as well as making data ysis easier. With the four types of joins (Inner, Left, Right, Full Outer), data ysts and programmers can link tables effectively based on relationship, value or unique identifiers.’ By doing so, they can extract meaningful insights that can drive decisions for the organization.


  • MySQL中如何把一个数据库中的表数据,导到另一个数据库的表中
  • 数据库中怎么在一个表中链接另一个表








exec sp_addlinkedserver ‘ITSV’ , ” , ‘SQLOLEDB’ , ‘远程服务器名或ip地址’

exec sp_addlinkedsrvlogin ‘ITSV’ , ‘false’ , null , ‘用户名’ , ‘密码’


select * from ITSV.数据库名.dbo.表名


select * into 表 from ITSV.数据库名.dbo.表名


exec sp_dropserver ‘ITSV’ , ‘droplogins’




select * from openrowset(‘SQLOLEDB’ , ‘sql服务器名’ ; ‘用户名’ ; ‘密码’ , 数据库名.dbo.表名)


select * into 表 from openrowset(‘SQLOLEDB’ , ‘sql服务器名’ ; ‘用户名’ ; ‘密码’ , 数据库名.dbo.表名)


insert openrowset( ‘SQLOLEDB’ , ‘sql服务器名’ ; ‘用户名’ ; ‘密液握码’ , 数据库名.dbo.表名)

select *from 本地表


update b

set b.列A=a.列A

from openrowset(‘SQLOLEDB’ , ‘sql服务器名’ ; ‘用户名’ ; ‘密码’ , 数据库名.dbo.表名) as a inner join 本地表 b

on a.column1 = b.column1



exec sp_addlinkedserver ‘ITSV’ , ” , ‘SQLOLEDB’ , ‘远程服务器名或ip地址’


select *

FROM openquery(ITSV , ‘SELECT * FROM 数据库.dbo.表名’)


insert openquery(ITSV , ‘SELECT * FROM 数据库.dbo.表名’)

select * from 本地表


update b

set b.列B=a.列B

FROM openquery(ITSV , ‘SELECT * FROM 数据库.dbo.表名’) as a

inner join 本地表 b on a.列A=b.列A



FROM opendatasource(‘SQLOLEDB’ , ‘Data Source=ip/ServerName ; User ID=登陆名 ; Password=密码’).test.dbo.roy_ta


insert opendatasource(‘SQLOLEDB’ , ‘Data Source=ip/ServerName ; User ID=登陆名 ; Password=密码’).数据库.dbo.表名

select * from 本地表

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