- x.set(1)
- x.set(2)
- x.set(3)
- x.set(4)
- x.set(5)
另一个问题,就是我发现代码里对循环的使用,各有不同的方式,有人写array.foreach(f=>_),有人用使用index的for loop,个人觉得使用foreach的代码比较简洁,于是我也报了Issue,看看是不是应该使用简洁的方式来写循环。举例:
for loop
- var index = 0
- var arr = Array[String]
- var length = arr.length
- for ( index <- 0 to length ) {
- do()
- }
for each
- var index = 0
- var arr = Array[String]
- var length = arr.length
- for ( index <- 0 to length ) {
- do()
- }
后来和我们的工程师沟通了一下,原来我们是为了性能优化了代码,因为for loop比foreach的性能好,所以我们采用稍微繁琐的for loop。至于某些代码中的foreach是因为遗留的还没有来得及改动。
先看看不同的循环用法,我这里测试了四种,分别是 while loop,for loop,使用range的foreach, 和使用函数的foreach。
- package profiling
- object Loop {
- def whileLoop(arr:Array[Int]): Unit = {
- var idx = 0
- var n = arr.length
- val tStart = System.currentTimeMillis()
- while (idx < n) {
- arr(idx) = 1
- idx += 1
- }
- val tEnd = System.currentTimeMillis()
- println("while loop took " + (tEnd - tStart) + "ms")
- }
- def forLoop(arr:Array[Int]): Unit = {
- var idx = 0
- var n = arr.length
- val tStart = System.currentTimeMillis()
- for(idx <- 0 until n) {
- arr(idx) = 1
- }
- val tEnd = System.currentTimeMillis()
- println("for loop took " + (tEnd - tStart) + "ms")
- }
- def foreachLoop(arr:Array[Int]): Unit = {
- var n = arr.length
- val tStart = System.currentTimeMillis()
- (0 until n).foreach{idx => arr(idx) = 1}
- val tEnd = System.currentTimeMillis()
- println("foreach range took " + (tEnd - tStart) + "ms")
- }
- def foreachFuncLoop(arr:Array[Int]): Unit = {
- val tStart = System.currentTimeMillis()
- arr.foreach{ idx => arr(idx) = 1}
- val tEnd = System.currentTimeMillis()
- println("foreach function took " + (tEnd - tStart) + "ms")
- }
- def profileRun(n: Int) {
- val arr = new Array[Int](n)
- whileLoop(arr)
- foreachLoop(arr)
- forLoop(arr)
- foreachFuncLoop(arr)
- }
- def main(args:Array[String]) {
- profileRun(args(0).toInt)
- }
- }
我的环境是scala 2.13.1 , 调用500000000次的结果是:
Bash 代码
- while loop took 344ms
- foreach range took 484ms
- for loop took 422ms
- foreach function took 719ms
可以看出,while loop是最快的,一般形式的foreach最慢,差不多是while loop的一倍。但是如果使用range的话,foreach循环也不算太慢。
那么为什么foreach会慢呢? 主要是foreach的函数调用带来了额外的开销。我们上面看到的数据其实是编译器已经优化后的数字,如果我们把java的hotspot编译选项关闭,(-Xint)再看看性能。
- while loop took 8548ms
- foreach range took 39392ms
- for loop took 40799ms
- foreach function took 103489ms
- package profiling
- object Loop2Repeat {
- def whileLoop(): Unit = {
- var idx = 0
- var n = 5
- var x = 0
- while (idx < n) {
- x = idx
- idx += 1
- }
- }
- def repeatLoop(): Unit = {
- var x = 0
- x = 1
- x = 2
- x = 3
- x = 4
- x = 5
- }
- def test( f:()=>Unit, num: Int, name: String): Unit = {
- val tStart = System.currentTimeMillis()
- ( 0 until num).foreach{ _ => f}
- val tEnd = System.currentTimeMillis()
- println(name + " took " + (tEnd - tStart) + "ms")
- }
- def main(args:Array[String]) {
- test(whileLoop, 50000000, "whileLoop")
- test(repeatLoop, 50000000, "repeatLoop")
- }
- }
- whileLoop took 281ms
- repeatLoop took 47ms
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