一、外贸企业如何搭建营销型网站1. 确定目标受众:一、外贸企业如何搭建营销型网站
1. 确定目标受众:在搭建营销型网站之前,外贸企业首先要明确本次网站的目标受众是什么。这些可能包括当地市场或者国外市场中的客户,供应商,合作伙伴以及其他利益相关者。
2. 决定内容方向:然后就是决定本次网站的内容方向。这里要考虑到不同用户对信息的需求情况,并根据此来选准文字、图片、动画、声音等表达手法来表述信息。
3. 针对性开发功能: 根据上一步得出的内容方向来开发功能, 还要考虑到不同用户使用时所遇到问题, 及时提供快速有效解决方法; 依托互联网特性, 如番评浏览历史, 排行版, 社区交流, 天气/航班/航天飞行信息; 个性化服务(如单独专栏) , 还要考量SEO(Search Engine Optimization) , SEM (Search Engine Marketing), SMM (Social Media Marketing).
4. 高效能应用: 有效使用CMS(Content Management System) , CRM (Customer Relationship Management ) , ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning ), OA (Office Automation ) 等已有应用 ; 在此之上开发新应用 .
5. 测评 : 最好将测评人员集中地对新开始的web site进行测评 . 进一步明白web site是如何看待 by users and how it works in the real world .
6. SEO : SEO is a must for any web sites to be successful on the internet . It includes keyword research & analysis , link building & optimization etc..
7. Promotion : After all these steps are done properly then comes promotion part which can include online advertising such as PPC campaigns or social media marketing like Facebook Ads etc..
8. Maintenance : Last but not least is maintenance of the website which should be done regularly to keep up with latest trends and technologies so that your website remains competitive in this ever changing digital landscape .
二、外贸企业需要注意以下几大问题来保障Web Site Quality :
1. Web Design : The design of a web site plays an important role in its success as it helps create first impression about your business among visitors and potential customers . So make sure you have good quality design that reflects your brand image accurately while being user friendly at same time .
2. Content Quality : Content is king when it comes to websites so make sure you have high quality content that provides value to readers while also helping them understand what services or products you offer easily without any confusion or ambiguity .
3. User Experience : User experience should always be kept in mind when designing a website as it will determine whether people stay on your page long enough to take desired action or leave quickly due to bad navigation structure or slow loading speed etc ..
4 Security & Reliability : Security and reliability are two very important aspects of any website especially if you’re dealing with sensitive information like credit card numbers etc .. Make sure all security measures are taken care off properly before launching the website otherwise there could be serious consequences later on down the line ..
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