How to Set NTP Sync Interval on Linux
NTP (Network Time Protocol) is a protocol used to synchronize the clocks of computers in a network. It is an essential tool for any administrator who wants to ensure the systems in their network are up to date with the correct time. In this article, we will discuss how to set the NTP sync interval on Linux.
Step 1: Install NTP on your Linux machine
Before we can proceed with setting the NTP sync interval, we need to first install NTP on our Linux machine. This can be done by running the following command in the terminal:
sudo apt-get install ntp
This command will install the NTP package on your Linux machine. Once installed, we can proceed with setting the NTP sync interval.
Step 2: Determine the current NTP sync interval
To determine the current NTP sync interval on your Linux machine, you can run the following command in the terminal:
ntpq -pn
This command will display the list of NTP servers that your machine is synchronizing with along with the time offset from your machine’s clock. The “reach” column in the output displays the sync interval in seconds. The default NTP sync interval on Linux is 64 seconds. However, this can be changed by modifying the NTP configuration file.
Step 3: Modify the NTP configuration file to set the sync interval
To modify the NTP configuration file, navigate to the following location on your Linux machine:
Open the file using your preferred text editor and look for the “minpoll” and “maxpoll” directives. These directives define the minimum and maximum poll intervals in seconds that the NTP client should use when communicating with the NTP servers.
The default values for these directives are “minpoll 6” and “maxpoll 10”. This means that the NTP client will poll the NTP servers every 64 to 1024 seconds (2^6 to 2^10) to synchronize the time.
To set a new sync interval, modify the values of the “minpoll” and “maxpoll” directives accordingly. For example, to set the sync interval to 30 seconds, you can modify the directives as follows:
minpoll 5
maxpoll 6
Save the file and restart the NTP service using the following command:
sudo systemctl restart ntp
Step 4: Verify the new NTP sync interval
To verify that the new NTP sync interval has been applied, you can run the “ntpq -pn” command agn. The output should display the new sync interval in the “reach” column.
In conclusion, setting the NTP sync interval on Linux is a strghtforward process that can be done by modifying the “minpoll” and “maxpoll” directives in the NTP configuration file. By changing the sync interval, you can ensure that your Linux machine’s clock is synchronized with the correct time at the desired frequency.
vi /etc/ntp.conf 添加内网ntp服务器。
systemctl start ntpd 启动ntpd服务早轿
ntpstat 命令查看时间同步状态,这个一般需要5-10分钟后州睁铅才能成功连接和同步。所以,服务器启动后需要稍等下。
*表示目前使用的ntp server;
st:即stratum阶层,值越小表示ntp serve的精准度越高;
Poll表示,每隔多少毫秒与ntp server同步一次;
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