
Recently,with the explosive growth of data. The traditional storage system is becoming more and more inadequate for data application services. Storing and querying data has become an important factor in system performance. On the one hand, NoSQL databases such as Redis and MEMCACHE can greatly accelerate the access speed of data, while distributed databases such as TiKV can guarantee the consistency and scalability of data.

The combination of Redis and TiKV can solve the advantages and disadvantages of the two to a large extent. Redis can provide quick access to data, and is mnly used to store application data with relatively high degree of association. And TiKV can store and manage various types of data. Lasting, extremely high reliability and scalability are the core strengths of TiKV.

In the integration process of Redis and TiKV system, application data can be stored in redis or TiKV according to the application scenario, while TiKV provides underlying storage support to redis as a caching layer. Redis as the application of read and write operation, is more suitable for a large number of small documents, can be done in memory during reading and writing data. Comparing TiKV uses the MVCC mechanism and Raft agreement algorithm to realize continuous read and write, which can better guarantee the concurrent write and atomic write of data.

When the amount of data stored in Redis is large and tampering with risks, TiKV can be used as a persistent secondary and Redis as a primary risk. The actual implementation code of this combination is illustrated as follows:

// connect TiKV and Redis

func connectTiKVAndRedis(){

dbTiKV = tiKV.connect(“localhost: 6680”);

dbRedis = redis.connect(“localhost: 6379”);


In this way, users can set or get data from redis, and then synchronize it to tikv in the background. At the same time, redis can also read data from tikv in the background for warm-up and cold start.

To sum up, the combination of TiKV and Redis has the advantages of both, which can construct a efficient storage system. Through the integration of the two, TiKV can not only provide data access support to applications, but also efficient storage, query and other centralized data service capabilities. It can effectively improve the performance of the application platform, and make applications have more stable and reliable data access performance.





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