1. 内容低质量:内容中有大量的无意义文字或者是复制粘贴的文章,这样会导致用户不能得到真正有价值的信息。
2. 连接异常:如果页面之间出现大量404 Not Found 或者500 Internal Server Error 等异常情况,将会降低用户体验并影响SEO效果。
3. 键入误差:如果URL中出现大量少数误差、特殊字符及关键词权重不匹配都会造成SEO效果下降。
4. 外部连接异常:如外部连接中出现大量404 Not Found 或者500 Internal Server Error 等异常情况也会造成SEO效果下降。
5. 内容相关性差 :如内容相关性不好、标法不正确、图片alt标法不正确也会造成SEO效果下降。
6. 黑心站外运营 :通过一些手法使得站外流量占到了90%以上,而真正有价值的流量却只占10%以下, 违反了Google Adsense/Adwords/Baidu Union Ads 等广告平台要去的原创性要去, 如使用作弊方法(例如:IP代理)来助力流氓站, 违背道德底緒; 悬赏问答; 机器人生成文章; 高PR/DA/PA/TF/CF 站外返回; PPC代理…etc., 违背Google Adsense / Baidu Union Ads / Sogou Advertising Alliance / 360 Advertising Alliance …etc., 对 SEO 是一大打击!
7. IP地理位子隔壁 :IP地理位子隔壁是 Google Panda Algorithm Update 3 (2011-05-09) & 4 (2011-06-21) & 5 (2012-04-24) & 6 (2013-08-20), Panda Algorithm Update 7 (2014 - 10 - 17 ) , 8(2015 - 07 - 17 ) , 9(2016 - 01 - 11 ) , 10(2017 – 09 – 14 ), 11(2018 – 08 – 20 ), 12(2019 – 04–17 ) 13(2020–01–22). Google Panda Algorithm Update 14 (2020–09–25 ). Google Penguin Algorithm Update 1 (2012–04–24). Google Penguin Algorithm Update 2 (2013–10–04). Google Penguin Algorithm Update 3.(2016 — 09 — 23 ).Google Penguin 4.( 2016 — 09 — 23 ).Google Hummingbird algorithm update 1.( 2013—08—20 ).Google Mobile Friendly algorithm update 1.( 2015—04—21 ).Google RankBrain algorithm update 1.( 2015—10—26 ) .Panda + Penguin + Hummingbird + Mobile Friendly + RankBrain = SEO Ranking Factors in 2020 !
8. SPAM行为 : SPAM行为包含Keyword Stuffing、Link Farming、Cloaking and Doorway Pages……SPAM行为将对SEO造成很大影响!
9. Robots Meta Tag : Robots meta tag是HTML META TAGs中Robots Attribute的一部分, robots meta tag告诉Search Engines Bots Index or Noindex a page or follow or nofollow links on that page etc.. Robots meta tags are very important for SEO ranking factors in 2020 !
10 . Schema Markup : Schema markup is the code that you put on your website to help search engines return more informative results for users by providing them with additional information about your content such as reviews ratings etc.. It helps search engine bots understand what your content is all about and how it should be indexed and ranked in SERPs !
11 . Page Speed Optimization : Page speed optimization is one of the most important aspects of SEO ranking factors in 2020 ! If your website takes too long to load then it will affect user experience which can lead to lower rankings in SERPs ! So make sure you optimize your pagespeed by using caching techniques minifying resources optimizing images etc..
12 . Social Signals : Social signals like likes shares retweets comments etc.. play an important role when it comes to SEO ranking factors in 2020 ! The more social signals a webpage has the higher its chances of getting better rankings in SERPs so make sure you promote your content across various social media platforms like Facebook Twitter Instagram Pinterest LinkedIn YouTube etc..
13 . HTTPS Security Protocols: HTTPS security protocols are becoming increasingly important when it comes to SEO ranking factors in 2020! Make sure you switch from HTTP protocol to HTTPS protocol if you want better rankings for your website as this will ensure secure data transmission between server and client thus improving user experience which can lead to higher rankings!
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