Python 2.7 官方中文文档
Python 3.3 官方中文文档
Awesome Python
Environment Management
Package Management
Build Tools
Interactive Interpreter
Date and Time
Text Processing
Natural Language Processing
Command-line Tools
Database Drivers
Web Frameworks
Authentication and OAuth
Template Engine
News Feed
Asset Management
URL Manipulation
HTML Manipulation
Web Crawling
Web Content Extracting
Data Validation
Admin Panels
Static Site Generator
Processes and Threads
Concurrency and Networking
WSGI Servers
RPC Servers
Game Development
Code Analysis and Linter
Debugging Tools
Science and Data Analysis
Data Visualization
Computer Vision
Machine Learning
Functional Programming
Third-party APIs
DevOps Tools
Job Scheduler
Foreign Function Interface
High Performance
Network Virtualization and SDN
Algorithms and Design Patterns
Editor Plugins
Other Awesome Lists
Environment Management
Libraries for Python version and environment management.
pyenv – Simple Python version management.
virtualenv – A tool to create isolated Python environments.
virtualenvwrapper – A set of extensions to virtualenv
pew – A set of tools to manage multiple virtual environments.
Vex – Run a command in the named virtualenv.
PyRun – A one-file, no-installation-needed version of Python.
Package Management
Libraries for package and dependency management.
pip – The Python package and dependency manager.
Python Package Index
conda – Cross-platform, Python-agnostic binary package manager.
Curdling – Curdling is a command line tool for managing Python packages.
wheel – The new standard of Python distribution and are intended to replace eggs.
Libraries to create packaged executables for release distribution.
cx-Freeze – Freezes Python scripts (cross-platform)
py2exe – Freezes Python scripts (Windows)
py2app – Freezes Python scripts (Mac OS X)
PyInstaller – A program that converts Python programs into stand-alone executables (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris and AIX)
dh-virtualenv – Build and distribute a virtualenv as a Debian package.
Build Tools
Compile software from source code.
buildout – A build system for creating, assembling and deploying applications from multiple parts, some of which may be non-Python-based.
SCons – A software construction tool.
PlatformIO – A console tool to build code with different development platforms.
BitBake – A make-like build tool with the special focus of distributions and packages for embedded Linux.
fabricate – A build tool that finds dependencies automatically for any language.
Interactive Interpreter
Interactive Python interpreters.
IPython – IPython provides a rich toolkit to help you make the most out of using Python interactively.
bpython – A fancy interface to the Python interpreter for Linux, BSD, OS X and Windows (with some work).
Libraries for file manipulation and MIME type detection.
mimetypes – (Python standard library) Map filenames to MIME types.
imghdr – (Python standard library) Determine the type of an image.
python-magic – A Python interface to the libmagic file type identification library.
path.py – A module wrapper for os.path.
watchdog – API and shell utilities to monitor file system events.
Unipath – An object-oriented approach to file/directory operations.
pathlib – An cross-platform, object-oriented path library (included in Python 3.4)
Date and Time
Libraries for working with dates and times.
arrow – Better dates & times for Python.
dateutil – Extensions to the standard Python datetime module.
delorean – A library for clearing up the inconvenient truths that arise dealing with datetimes in Python.
when.py – Providing user-friendly functions to help perform common date and time actions.
moment – A Python library for dealing with dates/times. Inspired by Moment.js.
pytz – World timezone definitions, modern and historical. Brings the Olson tz database into Python.
Text Processing
Libraries for parsing and manipulating texts.
difflib – (Python standard library) Helpers for computing deltas.
Levenshtein – Fast computation of Levenshtein distance and string similarity.
fuzzywuzzy – Fuzzy String Matching.
esmre – Regular expression accelerator.
shortuuid – A generator library for concise, unambiguous and URL-safe UUIDs.
awesome-slugify – A Python slugify library that can preserve unicode.
python-slugify – A Python slugify library that translates unicode to ASCII.
unicode-slugify – A slugifier that generates unicode slugs with Django as a dependency.
unidecode – ASCII transliterations of Unicode text.
chardet – Python 2/3 compatible character encoding detector.
xpinyin – A library to translate Chinese hanzi (漢字) to pinyin (拼音).
pangu.py – Spacing texts for CJK and alphanumerics.
pyfiglet – An implementation of figlet written in Python.
Specific Formats
tablib – A module for Tabular Datasets in XLS, CSV, JSON, YAML.
python-docx – Reads, queries and modifies Microsoft Word 2007/2008 docx files.
xlwt / xlrd – Packages is for writing and reading data and formatting information from Excel files.
XlsxWriter – A Python module for creating Excel .xlsx files.
mm – Python powered spreadsheets.
PDFMiner – A tool for extracting information from PDF documents.
PyPDF2 – A pure Python PDF library capable of splitting, merging and transforming PDF pages.
Python-Markdown – A Python implementation of John Gruber’s Markdown.
Mistune – Fastest and full featured pure Python parsers of Markdown.
PyYAML – YAML implementations for Python.
phonenumbers – Library for parsing, formatting, storing and validating international phone numbers.
python-user-agents – Browser user agent parser.
sqlparse – A non-validating SQL parser.
Pygments – A generic syntax highlighter.
python-nameparser – A simple Python module for parsing human names into their individual components.
pyparsing – A general purpose framework for generating parsers.
Natural Language Processing
Libraries for working with human languages.
NLTK – A leading platform for building Python programs to work with human language data.
Pattern – A web mining module for the Python programming language. It has tools for natural language processing, machine learning, among others.
TextBlob – Providing a consistent API for diving into common natural language processing (NLP) tasks. Stands on the giant shoulders of NLTK and Pattern, and plays nicely with both.
jieba – Chinese Words Segementation Utilities.
SnowNLP – A library for processing Chinese text.
loso – Another Chinese segmentation library.
genius – A Chinese segment base on Conditional Random Field.
Libraries for generating project documentation.
Sphinx – Python Documentation generator.
reStructuredText – Markup Syntax and Parser Component of Docutils.
MkDocs – Markdown friendly documentation generator.
Pycco – The original quick-and-dirty, hundred-line-long, literate-programming-style documentation generator.
Libraries for storing configuration options.
ConfigParser – (Python standard library) INI file parser.
ConfigObj – INI file parser with validation.
config – Hierarchical config from the author of logging.
profig – Config from multiple formats with value conversion.
Command-line Tools
Libraries for building command-line application.
Command-line Application Development
cement – Cement provides a light-weight and fully featured foundation to build anything from single file scripts to complex and intricately designed applications.
click – A package for creating beautiful command line interfaces in a composable way.
clint – Python Command-line Application Tools.
cliff – A framework for creating command-line programs with multi-level commands.
Clime – Clime lets you convert any module into a multi-command CLI program without any configuration.
docopt – Pythonic command line arguments parser.
colorama – Cross-platform colored terminal text.
Productivity Tools
cookiecutter – A command-line utility that creates projects from cookiecutters (project templates). E.g. Python package projects, jQuery plugin projects.
httpie – A command line HTTP client, a user-friendly cURL replacement.
percol – Adds flavor of interactive selection to the traditional pipe concept on UNIX.
RainbowStream – Smart and nice Twitter client on terminal.
Libraries for downloading.
s3cmd – A command line tool for managing Amazon S3 and CloudFront.
youtube-dl – A small command-line program to download videos from YouTube.
you-get – A YouTube/Youku/Niconico video downloader written in Python 3.
coursera – Script for downloading Coursera.org videos and naming them.
WikiTeam – Tools for downloading and preserving wikis.
subliminal – Library and command line tool to search and download subtitles.
Libraries for manipulating images.
pillow – Pillow is the friendly PIL fork. PIL is the Python Imaging Library.
wand – Python bindings for MagickWand, C API for ImageMagick.
thumbor – A smart imaging service. It enables on-demand crop, resizing and flipping of images.
imgSeek – A project for searching a collection of images using visual similarity.
python-qrcode – A pure Python QR Code generator.
pyBarcode – Create barcodes in Python without needing PIL.
pygram – Instagram-like image filters.
Quads – Computer art based on quadtrees.
nude.py – Nudity detection.
scikit-image – A Python library for (scientific) image processing.
hmap – Image histogram remapping.
Libraries for manipulating audio.
audiolazy – Expressive Digital Signal Processing (DSP) package for Python.
audioread – Cross-library (GStreamer + Core Audio + MAD + FFmpeg) audio decoding.
beets – A music library manager and MusicBrainz tagger.
dejavu – Audio fingerprinting and recognition.
django-elastic-transcoder – Django + Amazon Elastic Transcoder.
eyeD3 – A tool for working with audio files, specifically MP3 files containing ID3 metadata.
id3reader – A Python module for reading MP3 meta data.
mutagen – A Python module to handle audio metadata.
pydub – Manipulate audio with a simple and easy high level interface.
pyechonest – Python client for the Echo Nest API.
talkbox – A Python library for speech/signal processing.
TimeSide – Open web audio processing framework.
tinytag – A library for reading music meta data of MP3, OGG, FLAC and Wave files.
Libraries for manipulating video and GIFs.
moviepy – A module for script-based movie editing with many formats, including animated GIFs.
shorten.tv – Video summarization.
scikit-video – Video processing routines for SciPy.
Libraries for geocoding addresses and working with latitudes and longitudes.
GeoDjango – A world-class geographic web framework.
geopy – Python Geocoding Toolbox.
pygeoip – Pure Python GeoIP API.
GeoIP – Python API for MaxMind GeoIP Legacy Database.
geojson – Python bindings and utlities for GeoJSON.
django-countries – A Django app that provides country choices for use with forms, flag icons static files, and a country field for models.
Libraries for working with HTTP.
requests – HTTP Requests for Humans™.
urllib3 – HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling, file post support, sanity friendly, and more.
httplib2 – Comprehensive HTTP client library.
treq – Python requests like API built on top of Twisted’s HTTP client.
Databases implemented in Python.
ZODB – A native object database for Python. A key-value and object graph database.
Database Drivers
Libraries for connecting and operating databases.
Relational Databases
mysql-python – The MySQL database connector for Python.
mysqlclient – mysql-python fork supporting Python 3.
PyMySQL – Pure Python MySQL driver compatible to mysql-python.
mysql-connector-python – A pure Python MySQL driver from Oracle.
oursql – A better MySQL connector for Python with support for native prepared statements and BLOBs.
psycopg2 – The most popular PostgreSQL adapter for Python.
txpostgres – Twisted based asynchronous driver for PostgreSQL.
NoSQL Databases
cassandra-python-driver – Python driver for Cassandra by Datastax.
pycassa – Python Thrift driver for Cassandra.
PyMongo – The official Python client for MongoDB.
redis-py – The Redis Python Client.
py2neo – Python wrapper client for Neo4j’s restful interface.
telephus – Twisted based client for Cassandra.
txRedis – Twisted based client for Redis.
Libraries that implement Object-Relational Mapping or datamapping techniques.
Relational Databases
Django Models – A part of Django.
SQLAlchemy – The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper.
peewee – A small, expressive ORM.
PonyORM – ORM that provides a generator-oriented interface to SQL.
NoSQL Databases
MongoEngine – A Python Object-Document-Mapper for working with MongoDB.
django-mongodb-engine – Django MongoDB Backend.
redisco – A Python Library for Simple Models and Containers Persisted in Redis.
Web Frameworks
Full stack web frameworks.
Django – The most popular web framework in Python.
Flask – A microframework for Python.
Bottle – A fast, simple and lightweight WSGI micro web-framework.
Pyramid – A small, fast, down-to-earth, open source Python web framework.
web2py – A full stack web framework and platform focused in the ease of use.
web.py – A web framework for Python that is as simple as it is powerful.
TurboGears – The Web Framework that scales with you. Starts as a microframework and scales up to a fullstack solution.
CherryPy – A Minimalist Python Web Framework, HTTP/1.1-compliant and WSGI thread-pooled.
Grok – A framework built
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