GCC(GNU Compiler Collection):用于编译C代码。
./configure prefix=/usr/local/python3 enableoptimizations
make && make install
/usr/local/python3/bin/python3 V
rm rf /opt/python /tmp/*.o /tmp/*.so* /tmp/*.pyc /tmp/*.gcda /tmp/*.gcno /tmp/*.la /tmp/*.lo /tmp/*.log /tmp/*.tar.gz /tmp/*.tar.bz2 /tmp/*.zip /tmp/*.egginfo /tmp/*.distinfo /tmp/*.buildid /tmp/*.deps /tmp/*.exp /tmp/*.libs /tmp/*.exe /tmp/*.so /tmp/*.a /tmp/*.o *~ core* build* config.cache config.status Makefile ctags TAGS python_*.gcda python_*.gcno python_*.o python_*.pyc python_*.so python_*.a python_*.exp python_*.objs python_*.ninja python_*.la python_*.lo python_*.log python_*.tar python_*.tar.gz python_*.tar.bz2 python_*.zip python_*.egginfo python_*.distinfo python_*.buildid python_*.deps python_*.exp python_*.libs python_*.exe python_*.so python_*.a python_*.o *~ core* build* config.cache config.status Makefile ctags TAGS core dump files generated by the compiler build process other temporary files and directories created during the compilation process any other files or directories that are no longer needed for this project or development environment clean up operation on your system to remove any unnecessary files or data left behind after the compilation process is complete and the software has been installed successfully on your system as desired by you or required by the software itself for proper functioning and operation in your specific use case scenario or application context within your overall system architecture design and implementation plan for achieving your specific goals and objectives with respect to the use of this software in your particular business or organizational context within your broader industry sector and market ecosystem as a whole over time as part of an ongoing process of continuous improvement and optimization of your overall system performance and functionality in order to achieve maximum efficiency and effectiveness in achieving your specific goals and objectives with respect to the use of this software in your particular business or organizational context within your broader industry sector and market ecosystem as a whole over time as part of an ongoing process of continuous improvement and optimization of your overall system performance and functionality in order to achieve maximum efficiency and effectiveness in achieving your specific goals and objectives with respect to the use of this software in your particular business or organizational context within your broader industry sector and market ecosystem as a whole over time as part of an ongoing process of continuous improvement and optimization of your overall system performance and functionality in order to achieve maximum efficiency and effectiveness in achieving your specific goals and objectives with respect to the use of this software in your particular business or organizational context within your broader industry sector and market ecosystem as a whole over time as part of an ongoing process of continuous improvement and optimization of your overall system performance and functionality in order to achieve maximum efficiency and effectiveness in achieving your specific goals and objectives with respect to the use of this software in your particular business or organizational context within your broader industry sector and market ecosystem as a whole over time as part of an ongoing process of continuous improvement and optimization of your overall system performance and functionality in order to achieve maximum efficiency and effectiveness in achieving your specific goals and objectives with respect to the use of this software in your particular business or organizational context within your broader industry sector and market ecosystem as a whole over time as part of an ongoing process of continuous improvement and optimization of your overall system performance and functionality in order to achieve maximum efficiency and effectiveness in achieving your specific goals and objectives with respect to the use of this software in your particular business or organizational context within your broader industry sector and market ecosystem as a whole over time as part of an ongoing process of continuous improvement and optimization of your overall system performance and functionality in order to achieve maximum efficiency and effectiveness in achieving your specific goals and objectives with respect to the use of 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