二、6 种方法判断关键字竞争是否太过剧烈1. 搜寻引擎测量工具:一、引言
二、6 种方法判断关键字竞争是否太过剧烈
1. 搜寻引擎测量工具: 首先说明一下, 谷歌Adwords Keyword Planner(AKP) 是一个能够帮助用户快速找出相应行业内部最好的keywords 的工作者, 并能够测量出当前keywords 相应行业领域内部的总体competition level. AKP 能够告之用户当前keywords 本身所代表的competition level, 从而依此来看出整体market competition 是否特别intense.
2. Google Trends: Google Trends 是Google 内部特定tool, 能够帮助user track down keywords trend over time period of certain length and regionally as well. User can use this tool to compare different keywords in terms of their popularity and search volume overtime; thus user can get a better understanding on the overall market competition for each keyword they are interested in tracking down.
3. SEOmoz Rank Tracker: SEOmoz Rank Tracker is another great tool that helps users measure the current market competition for any given keyword or phrase by providing them with detailed information about how many websites are currently competing for that particular keyword or phrase in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages). This data will help users determine whether there is an intense amount of competition for a particular keyword or not so they can make more informed decisions when it comes to optimizing their website content around those specific keywords or phrases.
4. SEMrush Keyword Difficulty Tool: The SEMrush Keyword Difficulty Tool is another great resource that allows users to quickly assess the competitiveness of any given keyword or phrase by providing them with detailed information about how difficult it would be to rank highly for that particular term in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages). This data will help users determine whether there is an intense amount of competition for a particular keyword or not so they can make more informed decisions when it comes to optimizing their website content around those specific keywords or phrases.
5 . Ahrefs’ Keyword Explorer : Ahrefs’ Keyword Explorer provides users with detailed information about how competitive any given keyword is based on its difficulty score which takes into account factors such as number of backlinks pointing towards pages ranking highly for that term as well as other metrics like domain authority and page authority scores from Moz’s Open Site Explorer tool . By using this data ,users can get a better understanding on just how competitive any given term might be before investing too much time and effort into trying to rank highly for it .
6 . SpyFu Competitor Analysis : SpyFu Competitor Analysis provides users with detailed insights into who else may be targeting similar keywords within their industry by analyzing competitor sites ’backlink profiles , organic rankings , paid ads campaigns , etc . This data will give you an idea if your competitors are actively targeting similar terms which could indicate higher levels of market saturation than expected .
1 . 阅读SEOmoz Rank Tracker数次:SEOmoz RankTracker可以帮助用户通过对SERP(SearchEngineResultsPages)中特定KeyWord/PhraseCompetitionLevel信念耐人寻味理解当
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