




1. 内容过时: 以前创建的内容可能已不适应当前市场上的新产品或者新服务,考虑到信息浏览者对信息看法也随之变化,所以应该根据市场情况来不断更新内容,使之始终贴合当前市场。

2. 功能单一: 现代人都有“套牢”感, 想要留住用户就必须将相关功能集中到一处方便用户使用; 覆盖多样性的功能也是快速吸引用户注意力的重要手段。

3. 用户体验差: 高效能、易上手是影响用户留存度最重要因子之一; 各部分间呼应性强, 浏览者明显感受到浏览舒适性; 针对不同平台/浏览器/版本作出相应适配也是快速留存用户的重要步骤。


1. SEO 从SEO(Search Engine Optimization) 运作来说 , 有效追随Google Algorithm (GA) 的去Optimizing Website Content & Structure , 运作On-Page & Off-Page SEO Strategy . 此外 , 针对Mobile Device User Experience (UX) Designing & Developing Responsive Web Design (RWD), Mobile First Indexing (MFI), Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP).

2. UI / UX : UI / UX Designers and Developers should focus on creating a user friendly website with an intuitive navigation system that allows users to easily find the information they need in order to make informed decisions about products or services offered by the company . This includes designing a visually appealing website with high quality images and videos as well as ensuring that all content is optimized for mobile devices . Additionally , designers should ensure that all forms are easy to fill out and submit without any errors or delays . Finally , developers should test the website regularly for bugs and other issues in order to provide users with a smooth experience when visiting the site .

3. Social Media Integration : Integrating social media into your traditional enterprise website can help increase visibility of your brand online while also providing customers with an easy way to connect directly with you through various platforms such as Facebook , Twitter , Instagram etc . This will allow customers to stay up-to-date on new products or services being offered by your company while also giving them an opportunity to share their experiences using these products or services which can be beneficial for marketing purposes . Additionally , integrating social media into your traditional enterprise website can help improve customer service since it provides customers with another avenue of communication if they have any questions or concerns regarding their purchase from you .




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