Linux is a widely used operating system and is often the go-to choice for server setups. For web applications, Tomcat is a popular choice due to its versatility and compatibility with various programming languages. However, setting up Tomcat on multiple servers can be a tedious process, and that is where the need to copy Tomcat arises. In this article, we will explore the various ways to copy Tomcat on Linux.
Method 1: Using cp command
The cp command is a simple yet effective way to copy files and directories in Linux. To copy Tomcat using cp, follow these steps:
Step 1: Stop the Tomcat server
Before copying Tomcat, it is essential to stop the Tomcat server to avoid any data loss or corruption. To stop the server, execute the following command in the terminal:
sudo systemctl stop tomcat
Step 2: Copy the Tomcat files
Once the Tomcat server is stopped, navigate to the Tomcat directory using the terminal and execute the following command:
sudo cp -r /opt/tomcat /opt/tomcat_copy
In the above command, we have used the -r flag to recursively copy the Tomcat directory and all its subdirectories. The source directory is /opt/tomcat, while the destination directory is /opt/tomcat_copy.
Step 3: Start the Tomcat server
After copying Tomcat, it is time to start the Tomcat server to complete the process. To start the server, execute the following command in the terminal:
sudo systemctl start tomcat
Method 2: Using rsync command
The rsync command is a powerful tool used for remote file synchronization and copying files between directories. To copy Tomcat using rsync, follow these steps:
Step 1: Stop the Tomcat server
Before copying Tomcat, it is essential to stop the Tomcat server to avoid any data loss or corruption. To stop the server, execute the following command in the terminal:
sudo systemctl stop tomcat
Step 2: Copy the Tomcat files
Once the Tomcat server is stopped, navigate to the Tomcat directory using the terminal and execute the following command:
sudo rsync -avh /opt/tomcat/ /opt/tomcat_copy/
In the above command, we have used the -avh flags, where -a stands for archive mode, -v stands for verbose mode, and -h stands for human-readable format. The source directory is /opt/tomcat, while the destination directory is /opt/tomcat_copy. The trling slash after the source directory is used to copy the contents of the source directory instead of the directory itself.
Step 3: Start the Tomcat server
After copying Tomcat, it is time to start the Tomcat server to complete the process. To start the server, execute the following command in the terminal:
sudo systemctl start tomcat
Method 3: Using tar command
The tar command is a powerful tool used for archiving files and directories in Linux. To copy Tomcat using tar, follow these steps:
Step 1: Stop the Tomcat server
Before copying Tomcat, it is essential to stop the Tomcat server to avoid any data loss or corruption. To stop the server, execute the following command in the terminal:
sudo systemctl stop tomcat
Step 2: Create a Tar archive of the Tomcat directory
Once the Tomcat server is stopped, navigate to the parent directory of the Tomcat directory using the terminal and execute the following command:
sudo tar -cvzf /opt/tomcat.tar.gz /opt/tomcat
In the above command, we have used the -c, -v, -z, and -f flags, where -c stands for create, -v stands for verbose, -z stands for gzip compression, and -f stands for file. The source directory is /opt/tomcat, and the tar archive is created with the name tomcat.tar.gz in the /opt directory.
Step 3: Copy the Tar archive to the destination server
Once the tar archive is created, copy it to the destination server using any file transfer tool or the scp command. For example, to copy the tar archive using the scp command, execute the following command in the terminal:
scp /opt/tomcat.tar.gz user@destination_server:/opt/
In the above command, replace user and destination_server with the appropriate username and IP address of the destination server.
Step 4: Extract the Tar archive on the destination server
After copying the tar archive to the destination server, navigate to the destination directory using the terminal and execute the following command:
sudo tar -xzvf /opt/tomcat.tar.gz
In the above command, we have used the -x, -z, -v, and -f flags, where -x stands for extract, -z stands for gzip compression, -v stands for verbose, and -f stands for file. The tar archive is extracted in the same directory where the command is executed.
Step 5: Start the Tomcat server on the destination server
After extracting the Tomcat directory, it is time to start the Tomcat server on the destination server to complete the process. To start the server, execute the following command in the terminal:
sudo systemctl start tomcat
Copying Tomcat on Linux can be done with ease using various methods, such as cp, rsync, and tar. However, before copying, it is essential to stop the Tomcat server to avoid data loss or corruption. Once the copying process is complete, start the Tomcat server on the destination server to complete the process. With these simple steps, one can easily copy Tomcat and set up multiple servers with ease.
zip (pgp, md5)
tar.gz (pgp, md5)
bit Windows zip (pgp, md5)
bit Windows zip (pgp, md5)
bit Itanium Windows zip (pgp, md5)
bit/携闭信腔64-bit Windows Service Installer (pgp, md5)
2)#tar -zxvf apache-tomcat-6.0.10.tar.gz ;//解压
3)#cp -R apache-tomcat-6.0.10 /usr/local/tomcat ;//拷贝apache-tomcat-6.0.10到/usr/local/下并重命名为tomcat
4) /usr/local/tomcat/绝正bin/; //启动tomcat
显示 Using CATALINA_BASE: /usr/local/tomcat
Using CATALINA_HOME: /usr/local/tomcat
Using CATALINA_TEMDIR: /usr/local/tomcat/temp
Using JAVA_HOME: /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_033
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