1、 长方形面积和三角形面积,因为要从终端接收用户的多个参数输入,所以用了map(int, raw_input().split())这种方式
2. 圆面积只想保留小数点后两位,就用到了 %.2f
#!/usr/bin/python #-*-coding:utf-8 -*- name = raw_input("Please input your name here : ") if name == '': print("we don't like anonymous") else: choose = input("Which shape would you like to choose 1:Rectangle, 2:Square, 3:Triangle or 4 Round? :") if choose == 1: width, height = map(int, raw_input("Input width and height here, like 5 8 :").split()) print( "Area = %d" % (width * height)) elif choose == 2: length = input("Input width and height here, like 4:") print( "Area = %d" % length ** 2) elif choose == 3: width, height = map(int, raw_input("Input width and height here, like 5 8 :").split()) print( "Area = %d" % (width * height / 2)) elif choose == 4: diameter = input("Input diameter here like 3 :") print ("Area = %.2f" % (3.14 * (diameter / 2) ** 2)) else: print( "Invalid choose")
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