
2. SEO+SEM:SEO(Search Engine Optimization) + SEM (Search Engine Marketing) 是一套快递生成有效外部连击方法;


1. 参与友情链接交流:在相关行业内进行友情链接交流,以便能够得到对方的外部链接。


2. 通过文章发布平台获得外部链接:将有效的原创文章或者优质文章上传到各大门户网站、博客平台、论坛中,以此来获得有效的外部链接。

3. 评论回应引流:在相关行业高权重网站上留评论回应,以此来引导用户前往你所要宣传的网站。

4. 维基百科信誉助力: 在Wikipedia上根据不同语义进行内容信誉性延伸, 把你所要宣传的内容作为Wikipedia中存在而已, 从而使之形成一个真正意义上的“Wiki”气氛, 这样就能带来大量有效外部链接。


1. 内容是王道: 大量原创内容是快速生成有效外部链接最好不过的方法, 针对特定领域, 比如IT/医学/时尚/旅行/星座/理财 等特性化话题, 再根据归零把其中独特性化话题作出去;

2. SEO+SEM: SEO(Search Engine Optimization) + SEM (Search Engine Marketing) 是一套快递生成有效外部连击方法; 3. 精准广告: 针对物料相关性弱但是人气旺盛(如昵图) , 通过Google Adwords / Baidu PPC / Sogou PPC / 360 PPC 等广告已将其带到你所要去之地; 4. 街舞+PR : PR (Public Relations ) + Street Dance (Social Media Marketing ) 是一套快递生成有效超声波连击方法 ; 5 . APP Store : App Store 本是 Apple Inc . 圈起权重 , Google Play Store & Tencent MyApp & Xiaomi App Market & Huawei App Market 等 Android APP Store 也随之考勤 , 虽然没 Apple Inc . 本APPStore 天然天旋 , 但也能带权重 ; 6 . Social Networking Platforms : Facebook / Twitter / Instagram / Weibo etc., are all great places to get external links from as they have high authority and can help you rank higher in search engine results pages ; 7 . Forum Postings : Participating in forums related to your niche is a great way to build relationships with other webmasters and get some valuable backlinks for your website or blog ; 8 . Guest Blogging : Writing guest posts on popular blogs related to your niche is another effective way of getting quality backlinks for your website or blog ; 9 . Directory Submissions : Submitting your website or blog to online directories such as DMOZ and Yahoo! Directory can also be helpful in building quality backlinks for your site.; 10 Video Sharing Sites : Creating videos about the products or services offered by your business and submitting them on video sharing sites like YouTube can also help you generate more traffic as well as quality backlinks for your site.; 11 Image Sharing Sites: Uploading images related to the products or services offered byyour business on image sharing sites like Flickr can also be beneficial in terms of generating more traffic and quality backlinks.; 12 Document Sharing Sites: Uploading documents such as PDFs containing information about the productsor services offered byyour business on document sharing sites like Scribdcan also be usefulin terms of generating more trafficandqualitybacklinksfor yoursite..






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