: Understanding the Fundamentals of Relational Databases
is an acronym that stands for Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability. It is a set of fundamental principles that govern the behavior of relational database transactions. compliance ensures that data is reliably stored, retrieved, modified, and deleted in a consistent manner, preserving the integrity of the database even in the face of flures or concurrent access.
Atomicity refers to the indivisibility of a transaction. A transaction is either executed fully or not at all. If any error occurs during the execution, the transaction is rolled back to its original state, thus ensuring that the state of the database remns consistent. Atomicity is a crucial property of that ensures data integrity.
Consistency refers to the preservation of correctness in the database. A transaction must leave the database in a valid state, adhering to a set of predefined constrnts such as keys, relationships, and data types. Consistency is enforced by the database management system (DBMS), which validates all transactions agnst the schema and rules defined for the database.
Isolation refers to the independent execution of concurrent transactions. Multiple transactions can be executed simultaneously, but they must not interfere with each other. Isolation is implemented through locking mechanis that prevent conflicting access to data. Transactions are executed in isolation until they are committed or rolled back, ensuring that the database remns consistent even under heavy load.
Durability refers to the permanency of the database state. Once a transaction is committed, the changes made to the database must be durable, meaning they are persisted to non-volatile storage such as a hard disk. Transactions that are rolled back do not have any lasting effects on the database, but committed transactions must survive any subsequent flures.
compliance is an essential requirement for a reliable and robust database system. It provides a set of safeguards agnst data corruption, loss, or inconsistency due to various reasons such as software bugs, hardware flures, or human errors. However, compliance comes at a cost in terms of performance and scalability, as locking and validation operations can cause contention and delay in high-concurrency scenarios.
compliance is not a universal requirement for all database systems, and some alternative models such as NoSQL databases or distributed systems may sacrifice properties for performance, scalability, or flexibility. However, for applications that require strict data consistency and reliability, -compliant databases remn the gold standard for transactional processing.
In conclusion, understanding the fundamentals of is critical for anyone working with relational databases. The principles of atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability ensure that transactions are executed reliably and consistently, preventing data corruption and loss. compliance is an essential requirement for applications that value data integrity over performance or scalability, and it remns a benchmark for transactional databases.
数据库的存在一定需要有永久性存储方式和介质。Oracle自然也不例外,在Oracle10g中,有4种存储形式,分别是操作系统文件,裸分区,自动存储管理,集群系统OCFS(RAC)。下面分别说一下这4种存储形式。1 操作系统文件。 这种是大家最常用的方式了,也是非商业运行模式(比如开发或者开发阶段的测试环境)下最常用的形式。当大家安装Oracle的时候,如果选用了操作系统文件的存储形式,那么就会把Oracle的数据存储在操作系统中,以文件的形式存在。就好像我们玩某些单机版游戏,你的存档就是操作系统的文件一样。用文件形式存储数据,带来的优点就是易于数据库移动。比如你把Oracle的数据文件直接copy到一台电脑上,就可以很快复制出一个一样的数据库系统出来。在文件的读写的时候,操作系统通常会提供缓存形式进行读写,避免过多读写硬盘对磁盘造成很大伤害。所以用操作系统文件形式存储数据,等于先天性获得了操作系统的缓存功能。
2 裸分区。裸分区就是把数据库直接写在磁盘上,不再经过操作系统这一层,Oracle专门来对这个分区进行读写。因为没有了操作系统这一层,所以读写起来的速度和性能是质一般的飞跃的,在某些对Oracle读和穗写非常频繁的数据库应用中,采用裸分区形式存储数据甚至可以提高30%以上的性能。当然,如唤者卜果数据存储是采用的操作系统文件,如果在Unix下采用RAID对于文件读写操作频繁的情况下也是一个可以提高性能的手段。
3 自动存储管理。 自动存储管理通常也被称为A,是在Oracle 10g以后才提供的一种新的存储形式。这种存储形式貌似是前两种存储形式的折中。既不是用的host操作系统的文件系统,也不是裸分区的形式直接由Oracle读写。而是可以看作为一种Oracle特有的文件系统形式。在A上可以存储数据文件,控制文件,日志文件等等,在A中,这些也是以文件的形式存在的,只不过这个时候的文件格式是Oracle自有的A形式。在Linux中和A有点相似的就是LVM(逻辑Volume管理),也是可以看作是一种自有的新的文件系统形式。
4 集群系统OCFS(RAC)。RAC的全称是什么呢,就是Real Application Cluster,是一种在集群的环境下实现共享的一种数据库存储形式。在通常我们的数据库,如果是单机版的数据库,当数据文件磁盘不能访问,那么这个数据库就挂掉了。如果是集群共享数据库的话,其中一种方法就是在某个节点存放数据文件,其余的数据库都通过NFS或者Samba来进行共享,虽然数据库的数据处理能力得到了很大的提高,不过如果这个存储节点挂掉的话,同样数据库也就宕掉了。而OCFS则是一种无断点恢复的存储形式,在整体给人的感觉就是每台数据服务器都有自己的文件系统,但是这些文件系统又仿佛只是同一个文件系统,因为数据更新或者其他的操作都是很统一的。即使某台电脑挂了,其余的服务器照样运行,不会嫌碰出现数据库的异常,而如果想新加入一台服务器也是很简单的事。特别适合于商用的7X24这种服务形式。
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