If you lost root password or router OS dose not work normally (OS crashed), you may recovery OS or password under BOOT loader mode.
Main function of BOOT LOADER
1. root password recovery/change
2. s/w downloading
Enter Bootloader mode>
After power reset or s/w reset, press ctrl-C and ctrl-X key alternately repeatedly, then you can see “BOOT#” prompt.
(设备通电后交替按ctrl-C and ctrl-X,进入"BOOT"模式 )
Note) Check password
Interface Ethernet0, changed state to UP
BOOT# show password (显示原始密码)
password = "router"
Change root password (If you want to change from "router" to "abcd")
BOOT# config
BOOT(config)# passwd abcd abcd
password changed
root password change command under APOS environment(not BOOT loader)?/b>
(If you want to change from “router” to “abcd”)
router(config)# show user
Login Name Password User Level Timeout
root abcd ADMIN 0
router# config
router(config)# user change root abcd router (更换成新密码)
router(config)# show user Login Name Password User Level Timeout
root router ADMIN 0
Note) Upgrade OS p_w_picpath via ftp/tftp under PC or UNIX environment.
ftp client : (PC)
ftp server: (router)
Note) router IP setting
(Notice : BOOTER don't refer configuration value of APOS environment.
BOOT# config
BOOT(config)# address
BOOT(config)# end
Note) IP address setting confirm
BOOT# show interface
Interface Configuration : ether0.0
IP address : netmask : mtu = 1500
Ethernet Address : 00 02 a4 99 99 01
Ethernet mode : FULL-DUPLEX
Operating speed : 100 Mbps
Line status : FULL DUPLEX
Operation is UP
Under APOS mode, application p_w_picpath downloading procedure is the same as BOOT mode.
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