import tkinter from tkinter import ttk def go(*args): #处理事件,*args表示可变参数 print(comboxlist.get()) #打印选中的值 win=tkinter.Tk() #构造窗体 comvalue=tkinter.StringVar()#窗体自带的文本,新建一个值 comboxlist=ttk.Combobox(win,textvariable=comvalue) #初始化 comboxlist["values"]=("1","2","3","4") comboxlist.current(0) #选择第一个 comboxlist.bind("<>",go) #绑定事件,(下拉列表框被选中时,绑定go()函数) comboxlist.pack() win.mainloop() #进入消息循环
补充知识:Python GUI 之 Combobox 学习
1. 序言
2. 环境信息
本系列运行平台:Windows10 64bit
Python 版本:3.7
3. Combobox
Combobox为下拉列表控件,它可以包含一个或多个文本项(text item),可以设置为单选或多选。使用方式为ttk.Combobox(root,option...)。
参数 | 描述 |
master | 代表了父窗口 |
height | 设置显示高度、如果未设置此项,其大小以适应内容标签 |
width | 设置显示宽度,如果未设置此项,其大小以适应内容标签 |
state | 可读状态,如state= “readonly” |
textvariable | 设置textvariable属性 |
函数 | 描述 |
get | 返回制定索引的项值,如listbox.get(1);返回多个项值,返回元组,如listbox.get(0,2);返回当前选中项的索引listbox.curselection() |
values | 设定下拉列表的内容。如 data = ["a","b","c"], cbx["values"] = data |
current(i) | 指定下拉列表生成时显示在列表值,i = index。如current(2),显示列表中的第三个值 |
下拉列表的虚拟事件是 "<
4. 实例
from tkinter import * from tkinter import ttk #Create an instance win = Tk() win.title("Learn Combobox") #create a Label lb1 = Label(win, text = "Below is a combobox 1", font = "tahoma 12 normal") lb1.grid(column = 0, row = 0, padx = 8, pady = 4) def show_select_1(): print("post_command: show_select") print(value.get()) #Define tkinter data type data = ["a","b","c"] value = StringVar() #Create a combobox, and tighter it to value cbx_1 = ttk.Combobox(win, width = 12, height = 8, textvariable = value, postcommand = show_select_1) cbx_1.grid(column = 0, row = 1) #add data to combobox cbx_1["values"] = data #====================================================================================================== #create a Label lb2 = Label(win, text = "Below is a combobox 2", font = "tahoma 12 normal") lb2.grid(column = 0, row = 4, padx = 8, pady = 4) def show_data_2(*args): print("Event: ComboboxSelected") print(cbx_2.get()) #Define tkinter data type data2 = ["a2","b2","c2","d2","e2"] #Create a combobox, and tighter it to value cbx_2 = ttk.Combobox(win, width = 12, height = 8) cbx_2.grid(column = 0, row = 5) #set cbx_2 as readonly cbx_2.configure(state = "readonly") #add data to combobox cbx_2["values"] = data2 #set the initial data [index =2] to shows up when win generated cbx_2.current(2) #bind a event cbx_2.bind("<>", show_data_2) win.mainloop()
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