使用python做web开发,现在流行使用uwsgi调用python程序,但是使用uwsgi一段时间发现有一个弊端,就是每次更改源代码后必须重启uwsgi才能生效,包括更改模板文件也是,我是个懒人,再经过一段时间反复的更改-重启后我终于忍受不了,决定写一个脚本来定时程序目录的文件改动,并及时自动重启uwsgi,来解放我的双手可以不用理会这些琐碎的重启工作. 用了点时间来编写了一个脚本用来判断是否更改,然后判断是否需要重启uwsgi.
#!/bin/bash # Author : cold # Filename : checkchange.sh # Useage : sh checkchange.sh [dir] checkisdir() # Have one argument # The argument is a directory for i in `ls $1 | sed -e 's/ /\n/g'` do if [ -d $1/$i ] then if [ $i == "bin" -o $i == "lib" -o $i == "include" ] # 不想检测的目录(这里是使用virtualenv生成的环境文件) then continue fi dir="$1/$i" checkisdir $dir else files=$files'\n'$1'/'$i fi done echo -e $files } while true do if [ -e /tmp/stat.tmp ] then for i in `checkisdir $1` do if [ -e /tmp/patch.tmp ] then stat $i | grep Change > /tmp/nstat.tmp rm -f /tmp/patch.tmp continue fi stat $i | grep Change >> /tmp/nstat.tmp done diff /tmp/stat.tmp /tmp/nstat.tmp > /tmp/patch.tmp if [ $? -eq 0 ] then sleep 10 else /etc/init.d/uwsgi.py restart # 将此处更改为想要做的操作 patch /tmp/stat.tmp /tmp/patch.tmp fi else for i in `checkisdir $1` do stat $i | grep Change >> /tmp/stat.tmp done continue fi done
sh checkchange.sh /code/python &
#!/bin/bash # Author : cold # Filename : checkupdate.sh # Describle : To Check update of svn while true do cd /code/python svn up | grep At > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ] then sleep 30 fi svn up | grep Updated > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ] then /etc/init.d/uwsgi.py restart fi done
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