安装安装很简单首先clone下来 git clone https://github.com/Moham3dRiahi/Th3inspector.git 之后安装 cd Th3inspector/ chmod +x install.sh ./install.sh 安装的时候会有一个问题 Would you like to configure as much as possible automatically? [yes] yes 意思就是是不是尽可能使用自动配置 如果你不懂的话输入yes直接回车就好
使用功能还是挺多的使用也挺方便,直接输入对应功能的数字即可 最简单是直接输入下面命令打开这个工具 perl Th3inspector.pl 因为这个工具是使用perl写的所以要加上perl命令 如果你想直接使用不想看烦人的菜单可以输入 perl Th3inspector.pl -h 来查看对应菜单的参数和内容
,;;;, ;;;;;;; .- `, \'/_ _____ _ ____ _ _ .\' (`(_) |_ _| |_ |__ / (_)_ _ ____ __ ___ __| |_ ___ _ _ / `-,. _/ | | | \' |_ | | \' (_-< \'_ / -_) _| _/ _ \'_| / `--` |_| |_||_|___/ |_|_||_/__/ .__/_____|_____/_| V 1.9 [] |_| [] / /| | [Coded BY Mohamed Riahi] /_/ |_| ( _ ( _ #:## #:## #:## [1] Website Information => perl Th3inspector.pl -i example.com [2] Phone Number Information => perl Th3inspector.pl -n xxxxxxx [3] Find IP Address And E-mail Server => perl Th3inspector.pl -mx example.com [4] Domain Whois Lookup => perl Th3inspector.pl -w example.com [5] Find Website/IP Address Location => perl Th3inspector.pl -l example.com [6] Bypass CloudFlare => perl Th3inspector.pl -c example.com [7] Domain Age Checker => perl Th3inspector.pl -a example.com [8] User Agent Info => perl Th3inspector.pl -ua Mozilla/5.0 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [9] Check Active Services On Resource=> perl Th3inspector.pl -p [10] Credit Card Bin Checker => perl Th3inspector.pl -b 123456 [11] Subdomain Scanner => perl Th3inspector.pl -s example.com [12] E-mail Address Checker => perl Th3inspector.pl -e example.com [13] Content Management System Checker => perl Th3inspector.pl -cms example.com
查看它加上参数之后的用法 perl Th3inspector.pl -i www.baidu.com
,;;;, ;;;;;;; .- `, \'/_ _____ _ ____ _ _ .\' (`(_) |_ _| |_ |__ / (_)_ _ ____ __ ___ __| |_ ___ _ _ / `-,. _/ | | | \' |_ | | \' (_-< \'_ / -_) _| _/ _ \'_| / `--` |_| |_||_|___/ |_|_||_/__/ .__/_____|_____/_| V 1.9 [] |_| [] / /| | [Coded BY Mohamed Riahi] /_/ |_| ( _ ( _ #:## #:## #:## [+] Hosting Info for Website: www.baidu.com [+] Visitors per day: 700,000,000 [+] IP Address: [+] IP Reverse DNS (Host): [+] Hosting Company IP Owner: Baidu (Hong Kong) Limited [+] Hosting IP Range: - (1,024 ip) [+] Owner Address: Rooms 2201-03, 22/f, World Wide House, 19 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong, Hong Kong [+] Owner Country: HKG [+] Owner Phone: +861059924333, +861059928888 [+] Owner CIDR:
网站信息收集 电话号码信息收集 网站ip地址和电子邮件服务器搜索 whois信息收集 网站ip位置信息收集 绕过cloudflare的cdn 域名年龄检查 用户代理信息 检查服务器上的服务 信用卡bin检查 子域名扫描 电子邮件地址检查 cms系统检查 更新有的功能可能因为某些原因会不能用,总体来说这个工具还是可以的,文字排版什么方面都不错
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