本文小编为大家详细介绍“SAP MB21创建预留报错怎么解决”,内容详细,步骤清晰,细节处理妥当,希望这篇“SAP MB21创建预留报错怎么解决”文章能帮助大家解决疑惑,下面跟着小编的思路慢慢深入,一起来学习新知识吧。
成都创新互联主要从事成都网站建设、做网站、网页设计、企业做网站、公司建网站等业务。立足成都服务北安,10余年网站建设经验,价格优惠、服务专业,欢迎来电咨询建站服务:18982081108SAP MM MB21创建预留单据报错- Error during conversion to alternative units of measure -
Error during conversion to alternative units of measure
Message no. XU001
An error occurred during conversion of the quantity stored to
alternative units of measure or vice versa:
o the quantity stored could not be converted to an alternative unit of
measure to the correct decimal place
o or another conversion error occurred due to unsuitable transfer
parameters when the calling up the quantity conversion
System Response
The item cannot be entered
o Check the batch classification
o Check the settings for the use of proportional/product units.
经查,该物料有启用批次双计量单位,除了基本计量单位PC,还有批次特定计量单位W/P (瓦/PC)。而批次特性里没有维护正确的批次特性值,
这样系统在202移动类型预留单据创建的时候,需要去换算将要收进来的120 PC该物料折合成多少功率,因为该特性值没有维护好,所以导致报错。
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