使用python自带threading模块,实现多线程的并发操作。如果本机没有相关的python模块,请使用pip install package name安装之。
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys import os import platform import subprocess import Queue import threading import ipaddress import re def worker_func(pingArgs, pending, done): try: while True: # Get the next address to ping. address = pending.get_nowait() ping = subprocess.Popen(pingArgs + [address], stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.PIPE ) out, error = ping.communicate() if re.match(r".*, 0% packet loss.*", out.replace("\n", "")): done.put(address) # Output the result to the 'done' queue. except Queue.Empty: # No more addresses. pass finally: # Tell the main thread that a worker is about to terminate. done.put(None) # The number of workers. NUM_WORKERS = 14 plat = platform.system() scriptDir = sys.path[0] hosts = os.path.join(scriptDir, 'hosts.txt') # The arguments for the 'ping', excluding the address. if plat == "Windows": pingArgs = ["ping", "-n", "1", "-l", "1", "-w", "100"] elif plat == "Linux": pingArgs = ["ping", "-c", "1", "-l", "1", "-s", "1", "-W", "1"] else: raise ValueError("Unknown platform") # The queue of addresses to ping. pending = Queue.Queue() # The queue of results. done = Queue.Queue() # Create all the workers. workers = [] for _ in range(NUM_WORKERS): workers.append(threading.Thread(target=worker_func, args=(pingArgs, pending, done))) # Put all the addresses into the 'pending' queue. for ip in list(ipaddress.ip_network(u"").hosts()): pending.put(str(ip)) # Start all the workers. for w in workers: w.daemon = True w.start() # Print out the results as they arrive. numTerminated = 0 while numTerminated < NUM_WORKERS: result = done.get() if result is None: # A worker is about to terminate. numTerminated += 1 else: print result # print out the ok ip # Wait for all the workers to terminate. for w in workers: w.join()
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