#define ARRAY_EMPTY -2 #define ARRAY_FULL -1 #define MAX_SIZE 10000 typedef int Datatype; typedef struct Seqlist { Datatype array[MAX_SIZE]; size_t size; }Seqlist;
void PrintSeqlist(Seqlist* pSeq); void InitSeqlist(Seqlist* pSeq); void PushBack(Seqlist* pSeq, Datatype x); void PushFront(Seqlist* pSeq, Datatype x); void PopBack(Seqlist* pSeq); void PopFront(Seqlist* pSeq); void Insert(Seqlist* pSeq,size_t pos, Datatype x); int Find(Seqlist* pSeq, size_t pos, Datatype x); void Erase(Seqlist* pSeq, size_t pos); int Remove(Seqlist* pSeq, Datatype x); int Removeall(Seqlist* pSeq, Datatype x); void Bubblesort(Seqlist* pSeq); void Selectsort(Seqlist* pSeq); int BinarySearch(Seqlist* pSeq, Datatype x);
void PrintSeqlist(Seqlist* pSeq)//输出顺序表 { assert(pSeq); size_t i = 0; if (pSeq->size <= 0) { printf("Array is empty\n"); return; } else if (pSeq->size >= MAX_SIZE) { printf("Array is full\n"); } for (; i < pSeq->size; ++i) { printf("%-4d", pSeq->array[i]); } } void InitSeqlist(Seqlist* pSeq)//初始化顺序表 { pSeq->size = 0; //printf("Initialization is complete\n"); } void PushBack(Seqlist* pSeq, Datatype x)//后插入 { assert(pSeq); if (pSeq->size >= MAX_SIZE) { printf("Array is full, insert the failure\n"); return; } pSeq->array[pSeq->size] = x; pSeq->size++; } void PushFront(Seqlist* pSeq, Datatype x)//前插入 { assert(pSeq); size_t i = 0; if (pSeq->size >= MAX_SIZE) { printf("Array is full, insert the failure\n"); return; } for (i = pSeq->size; i > 0; --i) { pSeq->array[i] = pSeq->array[i - 1]; } pSeq->array[0] = x; pSeq->size++; } void PopBack(Seqlist* pSeq)//后删除 { assert(pSeq); if (pSeq->size <= 0) { printf("Array is empty,popback is eeror\n"); return; } pSeq->array[pSeq->size-1] = 0; pSeq->size--; } void PopFront(Seqlist* pSeq)//前删除 { assert(pSeq); size_t i = 0; if (pSeq->size <= 0) { printf("Array is empty,popback is eeror\n"); return; } for (i = 1; i < pSeq->size; i++) { pSeq->array[i - 1] = pSeq->array[i]; } pSeq->size--; } void Insert(Seqlist* pSeq, size_t pos, Datatype x)//定点删除 { assert(pSeq); size_t i = 0; if (pSeq->size >= MAX_SIZE) { printf("Array is full, insert the failure\n"); return; } for (i = pSeq->size ; i > pos; i--) { pSeq->array[i] = pSeq->array[i - 1]; } pSeq->array[pos] = x; pSeq->size++; } int Find(Seqlist* pSeq, size_t pos, Datatype x)//查找数据 { assert(pSeq); size_t i = 0; if (pSeq->size <= 0) { printf("Array is empty,erase error\n"); return ARRAY_EMPTY; } if (pos < 0 || pos >= MAX_SIZE) { printf("Began to find the position error\n"); return -1; } for (i = pos; i < pSeq->size; i++) { if (pSeq->array[i] == x) { return i; } } return -2; } void Erase(Seqlist* pSeq, size_t pos)//删除特定数据 { assert(pSeq); size_t i = 0; if (pSeq->size <= 0) { printf("Array is empty,erase error\n"); return; } if (pos < 0 || pos >= MAX_SIZE) { printf("Began to find the position error\n"); return; } for (i = pos; i < pSeq->size; i++) { pSeq->array[i] = pSeq->array[i + 1]; } pSeq->size--; } int Remove(Seqlist* pSeq, Datatype x) { assert(pSeq); size_t i = 0; if (pSeq->size <= 0) { printf("Array is empt,remove error\n"); return ARRAY_EMPTY; } for (; i < pSeq->size; i++) { if (pSeq->array[i] == x) { size_t j = i + 1; for (; j < pSeq->size; j++) { pSeq->array[j - 1] = pSeq->array[j]; } pSeq->size--; return 0; } } return -1; } int Removeall(Seqlist* pSeq, Datatype x) { assert(pSeq); size_t i = 0; int flag = 0; if (pSeq->size <= 0) { printf("Array is empt,remove error\n"); return ARRAY_EMPTY; } for (; i < pSeq->size; i++) { if (pSeq->array[i] == x) { size_t j = i + 1; for (; j < pSeq->size; j++) { pSeq->array[j - 1] = pSeq->array[j]; } pSeq->size--; flag++; if (pSeq->size <= 0)//如果顺序表的元素为空就不能再删除了,返回 { return 0; } else { i--; } } } if (flag > 0) return 0; else return -1; } void Bubblesort(Seqlist* pSeq)//冒泡排序 { assert(pSeq); size_t i = 0; for (; i < pSeq->size; i++) { size_t j = 0; for (; j < pSeq->size - i - 1; j++) { if (pSeq->array[j] > pSeq->array[j + 1]) { int tmp = pSeq->array[j]; pSeq->array[j] = pSeq->array[j + 1]; pSeq->array[j + 1] = tmp; } } } } void Selectsort(Seqlist* pSeq)//选择排序 { assert(pSeq); size_t i = 0; for (; i < pSeq->size; i++) { int flag = pSeq->array[i]; size_t j = i; for (; j < pSeq->size; j++) { if (pSeq->array[j] < flag) { int tmp = pSeq->array[j]; pSeq->array[j] = flag; flag = tmp; } } pSeq->array[i] = flag; } } int BinarySearch(Seqlist* pSeq, Datatype x)//二分查找 { assert(pSeq); size_t left = 0; size_t right = pSeq->size - 1; while (left <= right) { size_t mid = left + (right - left) / 2; if (x > pSeq->array[mid]) { left = mid + 1; } else if (x < pSeq->array[mid]) { right = mid - 1; } else if (x == pSeq->array[mid]) { return (int)mid; } } return -1; }
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