class AppConfig{
public static $dbParam = array(
'dbHost' = 'localhost',
'dbUser' = 'root',
'dbPassword' ='',
'dbName' = '数据库名',
'dbCharset' = 'utf8',
'dbPort' = 3306,
'dbPrefix' = 'test_',
'dbPconnect' = 0,
'dbDebug' = true,
class Model {
private $version = ''; //mysql版本
private $config = array(); //数据库配置数组
private $class; //当前类名
public $tablepre = 'ts_'; //表前缀
public $db = ''; //库名
public $table = ''; //表名
private static $link; //数据库链接句柄
private $data = array(); //中间数据容器
private $condition = ''; //查询条件
private $fields = array(); //字段信息
private $sql = array(); //sql集合,调试用
public $primaryKey = 'id'; //表主键
public function __construct($dbParam = array()) {
$this-config = (is_array($dbParam) !empty($dbParam)) ? $dbParam : AppConfig::$dbParam;
private function connect() {
if($this-config['dbPconnect']) {
self::$link = @mysql_pconnect($this-config['dbHost'], $this-config['dbUser'], $this-config['dbPassword']);
self::$link = @mysql_connect($this-config['dbHost'], $this-config['dbUser'], $this-config['dbPassword'], true);
mysql_errno(self::$link) != 0 $this-errdie('Could not connect Mysql: ');
$this-db= !empty($this-db) ? $this-db : $this-config['dbName'];
$serverinfo = $this-version();
if ($serverinfo '4.1' $this-config['dbCharset']) {
mysql_query("SET character_set_connection=".$this-config['dbCharset'].",character_set_results=".$this-config['dbCharset'].",character_set_client=binary", self::$link);
if ($serverinfo '5.0') {
mysql_query("SET sql_mode=''", self::$link);
@mysql_select_db($this-db, self::$link) or $this-errdie('Cannot use database');
return self::$link;
protected function init() {
$this-class = get_class($this);
$this-table = !empty($this-table) ? $this-table : strtolower($this-class);
$this-table = $this-tablepre . $this-table;
return $this;
public function __set($name, $value) {
$this-data['fields'][$name] = $value;
public function __get($name) {
if(isset($this-data['fields'][$name])) {
}else {
return NULL;
private function implodefields($data) {
if (!is_array($data)) {
$data = array();
$this-fields = !empty($this-data['fields']) ? array_merge($this-data['fields'], $data) : $data;
foreach($this-fields as $key = $value) {
$fieldsNameValueStr[] = "`$key`='$value'";
$fieldsNameStr[] = "`$key`";
$fieldsValueStr[] = "'$value'";
return array($fieldsNameValueStr, $fieldsNameStr, $fieldsValueStr);
private function condition($where = NULL) {
if (is_numeric($where)) {
$where = "WHERE `{$this-primaryKey}`='{$where}' LIMIT 1";
}elseif (is_array($where)){
$where = "WHERE `{$this-primaryKey}` in (".implode(',',$where).")";
//'预留WHERE', 'order', 'group', 'limit' …………等条件关键词处理接口
$where = $where ? "WHERE {$where}" : "WHERE 1";
isset($this-data['condition']['where']) $where .= ' AND '.$this-data['condition']['where'];
isset($this-data['condition']['group']) $where .= ' GROUP BY '.$this-data['condition']['group'];
isset($this-data['condition']['order']) $where .= ' ORDER BY '.$this-data['condition']['order'];
isset($this-data['condition']['limit']) $where .= ' LIMIT '.$this-data['condition']['limit'];
$where = "WHERE {$where}";
$this-condition = $where;
return $this;
public function insert($data = array(), $replace = false) {
$fields = $this-implodefields($data);
$insert = $replace ? 'REPLACE' : 'INSERT';
$sql = "{$insert} INTO `{$this-db}`.`{$this-table}` (".implode(', ',$fields[1]).") values (".implode(', ',$fields[2]).")";
return $this-getInsertId();
public function update($data = array() ,$where = '') {
$numargs = func_num_args();
if ($numargs == 1) {
$where = $data;
$data = array();
$fields = $this-implodefields($data);
$sql = "UPDATE `{$this-db}`.`{$this-table}` SET ".implode(', ',$fields[0])." {$this-condition}";
return $this-getAffectedRows();
public function delete($where = NULL) {
if(!is_array($where) strtolower(substr(trim($where), 0, 6)) == 'delete'){
$sql = $where;
$sql = "DELETE FROM `{$this-db}`.`{$this-table}` {$this-condition}";
return $this-getAffectedRows();
public function select($where = NULL, $fields = '*') {
if(!is_array($where) strtolower(substr(trim($where), 0, 6)) == 'select'){
$sql = $where;
$sql = "SELECT {$fields} FROM `{$this-db}`.`{$this-table}` {$this-condition}";
return $this-fetch($this-query($sql));
public function getOne($where, $fields = '*') {
$data = $this-select($where, $fields = '*');
if($data) {
return $data[0];
return array();
public function getAll($where, $fields = '*') {
$data = $this-select($where, $fields = '*');
return $data;
public function getCount($where = '', $fields = '*') {
$sql = "SELECT count({$fields}) as count FROM `{$this-db}`.`{$this-table}` {$this-condition}";
$data = $this-query($sql);
return @mysql_result($data,0);
return 0;
public function query($sql, $flag = '0', $type = '') {
if ($this-config['dbDebug']) {
$startime = $this-microtime_float();
if ($type == 'UNBUFFERED' function_exists('mysql_unbuffered_query')) {
$result = @mysql_unbuffered_query($sql, self::$link);
} else {
$result = @mysql_query($sql, self::$link);
if (in_array(mysql_errno(self::$link), array(2006,2013)) empty($result) $this-config['dbPconnect']==0 !defined('RETRY')) {
define('RETRY',true); @mysql_close(self::$link); sleep(2);
$result = $this-query($sql);
if ($result === false) {
if ($this-config['dbDebug']) {
$endtime = $this-microtime_float();
$this-sql[] = array($sql,$endtime-$startime);
$this-data = array();
return $flag == '0' ? $result : ($flag == '1' ? $this-getInsertId() : $this-getAffectedRows());
public function fetch($result, $onlyone = false, $type = MYSQL_ASSOC) {
if ($onlyone) {
$row = @mysql_fetch_array($result, $type);
return $row;
$rowsRs = array();
while($row=@mysql_fetch_array($result, $type)) {
$rowsRs[] = $row;
return $rowsRs;
return array();
//可以运行SELECT,SHOW,EXPLAIN 或 DESCRIBE 等返回一个资源标识符的语句得到返回结果数组
public function show($sql, $onlyone = false) {
return $this-fetch($this-query($sql), $onlyone);
// 使用call函数处理同类型函数
private function __call($name, $arguments) {
$callArr = array('on', 'where', 'order', 'between', 'group', 'limit');
if (in_array($name, $callArr)) {
$this-data['condition'][$name] = $arguments[0];
$this-errdie("function error: function {$name} is not in ($this-class) class exist");
return $this;
public function getInsertId() {
return @mysql_insert_id(self::$link);
public function getAffectedRows() {
return @mysql_affected_rows(self::$link);
private function error() {
return ((self::$link) ? @mysql_error(self::$link) : @mysql_error());
private function errno() {
return ((self::$link) ? @mysql_errno(self::$link) : @mysql_errno());
function version() {
if(empty($this-version)) {
$this-version = mysql_get_server_info(self::$link);
return $this-version;
private function errdie($sql = '') {
if ($this-config['dbDebug']) {
die('DB ERROR!!!');
private function microtime_float()
list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
public function __destruct() {
echo 'hr';
$this-config['dbDebug'] print_r($this-sql);
class user extends Model {
//public $db = 'qsf_mvc';
//public $table = 'user';
public $primaryKey = 'uid';
$userObj = new user();
//模拟ActiveRecord模式 插入数据
$userObj-username = 'hoho';
$userObj-passwd = '1478522';
$userObj-email = 'qsf.z11@163点抗 ';
$userObj-sex = 1;
$userObj-desc = '清洁工';
$insetId = $userObj-insert();
if ($insetId 0) {
echo "插入ID为:{$insetId}BR";
$userArr = array(
'username' = 'hoho',
'passwd' = '1478522',
'email' = 'qsf.z2121ia@163点抗 ',
'sex' = '1',
'desc' = '厨师',
$insetId = $userObj-insert($userArr);
if ($insetId 0) {
echo "插入ID为:{$insetId}BR";
$userObj-username = 'h111oho';
$userObj-passwd = '1478511122';
$userObj-email = 'qsf111ia@163点抗 ';
$userObj-sex = 1;
$userObj-desc = '清洁工';
$affectedRows1 = $userObj-update(89);
if ($affectedRows1 0) {
echo "影响行数为:{$affectedRows1}BR";
$userArr = array(
'username' = 'hohoho',
'passwd' = '1474rr4448522',
'email' = 'qsf.rrza@165点抗 ',
'sex' = '0',
'desc' = '厨师qq',
$affectedRows = $userObj-update($userArr, $insetId);
if ($affectedRows 0) {
echo "影响行数为:{$affectedRows}BR";
$userRs0 = $userObj-select(8); //单个主键值
$userRs1 = $userObj-select(array(1,5,8)); //多个主键值的数组
$userRs2 = $userObj-select('select count(*) as count from user where uid 20'); //直接完整sql语句
$userRs3 = $userObj-select("`uid` 0"); //where条件
$userRs4 = $userObj-getOne("`uid` 0"); //获取单条记录
$usersRs5 = $userObj-getAll("`uid` 0"); ////获取所有记录
$usersRs6 = $userObj-limit('0,10')-where('uid 100')-order('uid DESC')-group('username')-select();
$userObj-delete(60); //单个主键值
$userObj-delete(array(1,5,8)); //多个主键值的数组
$userObj-delete('delete from user where uid 100'); //直接完整sql语句
$userObj-delete("`uid` 100"); //where条件
$userObj-limit('5')-where('uid 80')-delete();
$userShowRs = $userObj-show('show create table user', true); //获取特殊查询的结果,第二个参数代表返回一条结果还是所有的结果
也可以打开运行,输入 mysql -u root(用户名) -p 123456(密码)
?php $mysql_server_name= localhost ; //改成自己的mysql数据库服务器 $mysql_username= root ; //改成自己的mysql数据库用户名 $mysql_password= ; //改成自己的mysql数据库密码 $mysql_database= mycounter ; //改成自己的mysql数据库名 $conn=mysql_connect($mysql_server_name $mysql_username $mysql_password $mysql_database); $sql= CREATE DATABASE mycounter DEFAULT CHARACTER SET gbk COLLATE gbk_chinese_ci; ; mysql_query($sql); $sql= CREATE TABLE `counter` (`id` INT( ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT `count` INT( ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT PRIMARY KEY ( `id` ) ) TYPE = innodb; ; mysql_select_db($mysql_database $conn); $result=mysql_query($sql); //echo $sql; mysql_close($conn); echo "Hello!数据库mycounter已经成功建立!"; ?
? $conn = new ("ADODB Connection"); $connstr = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (* mdb)}; DBQ=" realpath("data/db mdb"); $conn Open($connstr); $rs = new ("ADODB RecordSet"); $rs Open("select * from szd_t" $conn ); while(! $rs eof) { $f = $rs Fields( ); echo $f value; $rs MoveNext(); } ?
PHP连接数据库之PHP连接MS SQL数据库代码方法
?php $myServer = localhost; //主机 $myUser = sa; //用户名 $myPass = password; //密码 $myDB = Northwind; //MSSQL库名 $s = @mssql_connect($myServer $myUser $myPass) or die(Couldnt connect to SQL Server on $myServer); $d = @mssql_select_db($myDB $s) or die(Couldnt open database $myDB); $query = SELECT TitleOfCourtesy+ +FirstName+ +LastName AS Employee ; $query = FROM Employees ; $query = WHERECountry=USA AND Left(HomePhone ) = ( ); $result = mssql_query($query); $numRows = mssql_num_rows($result); echo h $numRows Row ($numRows == ? : s) Returned / h ; while($row = mssql_fetch_array($result)) { echo li $row[Employee] /li; } ?
PHP提供了两套函数与Oracle连接 分别是ORA_和OCI函数 其中ORA_函数略显陈旧 OCI函数更新据说更好一些 两者的使用语法几乎相差无几 你的PHP安装选项应该可以支持两者的使用
? if ($conn=Ora_Logon("user@TNSNAME" "password")) { echo "SUCCESS ! Connected to databasen"; }else {echo "Failed : ( Could not connect to databasen";} Ora_Logoff($conn); phpinfo(); ? lishixinzhi/Article/program/PHP/201405/30761
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