public string hz2py(string hz) //获得汉字的区位码
byte[] sarr = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(hz);
int len = sarr.Length;
if (len1)
byte[] array = new byte[2];
array = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(hz);
int i1 = (short)(array[0] - '\0');
int i2 = (short)(array[1] - '\0');
// array = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(hz);
// int i1 = (short)(array[0] - '\0');
// int i2 = (short)(array[1] - '\0');
// int t1 = Convert.ToInt32(i1,16);
// int t2 = Convert.ToInt32(i2,16);
int tmp=i1*256+i2;
string getpychar="*";//找不到拼音码的用*补位
if(tmp=45217tmp=45252){getpychar= "A";}
else if(tmp=45253tmp=45760){getpychar= "B";}
else if(tmp=47761tmp=46317){getpychar= "C";}
else if(tmp=46318tmp=46825){getpychar= "D";}
else if(tmp=46826tmp=47009){getpychar= "E";}
else if(tmp=47010tmp=47296){getpychar= "F";}
else if(tmp=47297tmp=47613){getpychar= "G";}
else if(tmp=47614tmp=48118){getpychar= "H";}
else if(tmp=48119tmp=49061){getpychar= "J";}
else if(tmp=49062tmp=49323){getpychar= "K";}
else if(tmp=49324tmp=49895){getpychar= "L";}
else if(tmp=49896tmp=50370){getpychar= "M";}
else if(tmp=50371tmp=50613){getpychar= "N";}
else if(tmp=50614tmp=50621){getpychar= "O";}
else if(tmp=50622tmp=50905){getpychar= "P";}
else if(tmp=50906tmp=51386){getpychar= "Q";}
else if(tmp=51387tmp=51445){getpychar= "R";}
else if(tmp=51446tmp=52217){getpychar= "S";}
else if(tmp=52218tmp=52697){getpychar= "T";}
else if(tmp=52698tmp=52979){getpychar= "W";}
else if(tmp=52980tmp=53640){getpychar= "X";}
else if(tmp=53689tmp=54480){getpychar= "Y";}
else if(tmp=54481tmp=55289){getpychar= "Z";}
return getpychar;
return hz;
public string transpy(string strhz) //把汉字字符串转换成拼音码
string strtemp="";
int strlen=strhz.Length;
for (int i=0;i=strlen-1;i++)
return strtemp;
create table tabpy(id int identity,b_begin varbinary(2),b_end varbinary(2),word varchar(2))
insert tabpy select 0xB0A1, 0xB0C4,'A'
union all select 0xB0C5, 0xB2C0,'B'
union all select 0xB2C1, 0xB4ED,'C'
union all select 0xB4EE, 0xB6E9,'D'
union all select 0xB6EA, 0xB7A1,'E'
union all select 0xB7A2, 0xB8C0,'F'
union all select 0xB8C1, 0xB9FD,'G'
union all select 0xB9FE, 0xBBF6,'H'
union all select 0xBBF7, 0xBFA5,'J'
union all select 0xBFA6, 0xC0AB,'K'
union all select 0xC0AC, 0xC2E7,'L'
union all select 0xC2E8, 0xC4C2,'M'
union all select 0xC4C3, 0xC5B5,'N'
union all select 0xC5B6, 0xC5BD,'O'
union all select 0xC5BE, 0xC6D9,'P'
union all select 0xC6DA, 0xC8BA,'Q'
union all select 0xC8BB, 0xC8F5,'R'
union all select 0xC8F6, 0xCBF9,'S'
union all select 0xCBFA, 0xCDD9,'T'
union all select 0xCDDA, 0xCEF3,'W'
union all select 0xCEF4, 0xD1B8,'X'
union all select 0xD1B9, 0xD4D0,'Y'
union all select 0xD4D1, 0xD7F9,'Z'
create function getfirstpy(@a varchar(200))
returns varchar(100)
declare @i int,@j int,@result varchar(100)
set @result=''
set @i=len(@a)
set @j=1
while @j=@i
select @result=@result+word from tabpy where cast(substring(@a,@j,1) as varbinary(2)) between b_begin and b_end
set @j=@j+1
return @result
Public Function GBKEncode(ByVal sInput As String) As String
Dim ret_GBKEncode As String = ""
Dim i As Integer
Dim startIndex As Integer = 0
Dim endIndex As Integer
Dim x() As Byte = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(sInput) '字符以及字符串在vb2008中都是以unicode编码存储的
endIndex = x.Length - 1
For i = startIndex To endIndex
ret_GBKEncode = "%" Hex(x(i))
Return ret_GBKEncode
End Function
Public Function GBKDecode(ByVal sInput As String) As String
sInput = sInput.Replace("%", "")
Dim ret_GBKDecode As String = ""
Dim sLen As Integer = sInput.Length
Dim n As Integer = sLen \ 2
Dim sBytes(0 To n - 1) As Byte
For i As Integer = 1 To n
sBytes(i - 1) = CByte("H" sInput.Substring(2 * i - 2, 2))
ret_GBKDecode = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(sBytes)
Return ret_GBKDecode
End Function
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