#网上找的现成的高级方法来enable继承关系 function Set-NTFSInheritance { <# .SYNOPSIS Enable or Disable the NTFS permissions inheritance. .DESCRIPTION Enable or Disable the NTFS permissions inheritance on files and/or folders. .EXAMPLE $Folders = Get-Childitem -Path 'e:\homedirs' | Where-Object {$_.Attributes -eq 'Directory'} $Folders | foreach { $_ | Set-NTFSInheritance -Enable } .NOTES Author : Jeff Wouters Date : 8th of May 2014 #> [cmdletbinding(defaultparametersetname='Enable')] param ( [parameter(mandatory=$true,position=0,valuefrompipeline=$true,parametersetname='Enable')] [parameter(mandatory=$true,position=0,valuefrompipeline=$true,parametersetname='Disable')] $Path, [parameter(mandatory=$false,parametersetname='Enable')][switch]$Enable, [parameter(mandatory=$false,parametersetname='Disable')][switch]$Disable ) begin { } process { $ACL = get-acl $_.FullName switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { 'Enable' { $ACL.SetAcce***uleProtection($false,$false) } 'Disable' { $ACL.SetAcce***uleProtection($true,$true) } } try { $ACL | Set-Acl -Passthru } catch { $_.Exception } } end { } } #自己调用一下上面的方法,基本上就是三步走,第一个夺取所有权;第二打开继承关系;第三在最上面设置权限 function ChangePermission { [cmdletbinding(defaultparametersetname='Enable')] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $path, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $group ) #Step 1: take over ownership takeown.exe /f $path /r /d Y #Step 2: enable inheritance for all subfolders $Folders = Get-Childitem -Path $path -Recurse $Folders | foreach { $_ | Set-NTFSInheritance -Enable } #Step3: setup NTFS Modify permission from the parent folder $perm2=':(OI)(CI)(M)' write-host $path -ForegroundColor Cyan icacls $path /grant "$($group)$perm2" } #最后调用函数即可 $parent="\\syd02\Creative TRACK\CLIENT FOLDERS\WESTPAC" Get-ChildItem $parent | foreach { $_.fullname ChangePermission -path $_.FullName -group "Sydney Track Creative" }
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