Public Function WriteConfigInfo(ByVal aSection As String, ByVal aKey As String, _
ByVal aValue As String, ByVal aFileName As String) As Boolean
If aSection = "" Then Return False
If aFileName = "" Then Return (False)
' create in instance of the class and write the config file info
Dim XmlFile As New clsXMLCfgFile(aFileName)
Return XmlFile.WriteConfigInfo(aSection, aKey, aValue)
End Function
Public Class clsXMLCfgFile
Dim Doc As New XmlDocument()
Dim FileName As String
Dim doesExist As Boolean
Public Sub New(ByVal aFileName As String)
FileName = aFileName
doesExist = True
Catch ex As Exception
If Err.Number = 53 Then
Doc.LoadXml(("configuration" "/configuration"))
End If
End Try
End Sub
Public Function GetConfigInfo(ByVal aSection As String, ByVal aKey As String, ByVal aDefaultValue As String) As Collection
' return immediately if the file didn't exist
If doesExist = False Then
Return New Collection()
End If
If aSection = "" Then
' if aSection = "" then get all section names
Return getchildren("")
ElseIf aKey = "" Then
' if aKey = "" then get all keynames for the section
Return getchildren(aSection)
Dim col As New Collection()
col.Add(getKeyValue(aSection, aKey, aDefaultValue))
Return col
End If
End Function
Public Function WriteConfigInfo(ByVal aSection As String, ByVal aKey As String, ByVal aValue As String) As Boolean
Dim node1 As XmlNode
Dim node2 As XmlNode
If aKey = "" Then
' find the section, remove all its keys and remove the section
node1 = (Doc.DocumentElement).SelectSingleNode("/configuration/" aSection)
' if no such section, return True
If node1 Is Nothing Then Return True
' remove all its children
' select its parent ("configuration")
node2 = (Doc.DocumentElement).SelectSingleNode("configuration")
' remove the section
ElseIf aValue = "" Then
' find the section of this key
node1 = (Doc.DocumentElement).SelectSingleNode("/configuration/" aSection)
' return if the section doesn't exist
If node1 Is Nothing Then Return True
' find the key
node2 = (Doc.DocumentElement).SelectSingleNode("/configuration/" aSection "/" aKey)
' return true if the key doesn't exist
If node2 Is Nothing Then Return True
' remove the key
If node1.RemoveChild(node2) Is Nothing Then Return False
' Both the Key and the Value are filled
' Find the key
node1 = (Doc.DocumentElement).SelectSingleNode("/configuration/" aSection "/" aKey)
If node1 Is Nothing Then
' The key doesn't exist: find the section
node2 = (Doc.DocumentElement).SelectSingleNode("/configuration/" aSection)
If node2 Is Nothing Then
' Create the section first
Dim e As Xml.XmlElement = Doc.CreateElement(aSection)
' Add the new node at the end of the children of ("configuration")
node2 = Doc.DocumentElement.AppendChild(e)
' return false if failure
If node2 Is Nothing Then Return False
' now create key and value
e = Doc.CreateElement(aKey)
e.InnerText = aValue
' Return False if failure
If (node2.AppendChild(e)) Is Nothing Then Return False
' Create the key and put the value
Dim e As Xml.XmlElement = Doc.CreateElement(aKey)
e.InnerText = aValue
End If
' Key exists: set its Value
node1.InnerText = aValue
End If
End If
' Save the document
Return True
End Function
Private Function getKeyValue(ByVal aSection As String, ByVal aKey As String, ByVal aDefaultValue As String) As String
Dim node As XmlNode
node = (Doc.DocumentElement).SelectSingleNode("/configuration/" aSection "/" aKey)
If node Is Nothing Then Return aDefaultValue
Return node.InnerText
End Function
Private Function getchildren(ByVal aNodeName As String) As Collection
Dim col As New Collection()
Dim node As XmlNode
' Select the root if the Node is empty
If aNodeName = "" Then
node = Doc.DocumentElement
' Select the node given
node = Doc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode(aNodeName)
End If
End Try
' exit with an empty collection if nothing here
If node Is Nothing Then Return col
' exit with an empty colection if the node has no children
If node.HasChildNodes = False Then Return col
' get the nodelist of all children
Dim nodeList As XmlNodeList = node.ChildNodes
Dim i As Integer
' transform the Nodelist into an ordinary collection
For i = 0 To nodeList.Count - 1
Return col
End Function
End Class
Public Class Form1
Dim node(5) As TreeNode
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim root As TreeNode
With TreeView1
.ShowLines = True
.ShowPlusMinus = True
.ShowRootLines = True
root = .Nodes.Add("仓库") '增加根节点
.SelectedNode = root '在此根节点下添加子节点
For i = 1 To 6
node(i - 1) = .SelectedNode.Nodes.Add(i.ToString "号仓库")
End With
End Sub
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If Val(TextBox1.Text) = 100 And Val(TextBox1.Text) = 699 Then
node(Val(TextBox1.Text) \ 100 - 1).Nodes.Add(TextBox1.Text)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
If Val(TextBox2.Text) = 1000000 And Val(TextBox2.Text) = 6999999 Then
For Each child As TreeNode In node(Val(TextBox2.Text) \ 1000000 - 1).Nodes
If child.Text = TextBox2.Text.Substring(1, 3) Then
Exit For
End If
End If
End Sub
End Class
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