_asm mov ax,0;
mov ax,0
mov bx,0
Microsoft Specific
If used without braces, the __asm keyword means that the rest of the line is an assembly-language statement. If used with braces, it means that each line between the braces is an assembly-language statement. For compatibility with previous versions, _asm is a synonym for __asm.
Since the __asm keyword is a statement separator, you can put assembly instructions on the same line.
For related information, see Assembler (Inline) Topics.
Note Microsoft C++ does not support the ATT C++ asm keyword.
END Microsoft Specific
// Example of the __asm keyword
__asm // __asm block
mov eax, 01h
int 10h
__asm mov eax, 01h //仿行 Separate __asm lines
__asm int 10h
// Multiple __asm statements on a line
__asm mov eax, 01h __asm int 10h
这行中是内嵌汇编,就是说兄带穗C源程序中插入 eallow 这条汇编指令羡卜。
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