将以下脚本保存为/etc/init.d/mysql-proxy ,赋予权限
chmod 755 /etc/init.d/mysql-proxy
# Options for mysql-proxy ADMIN_USER="admin" ADMIN_PASSWORD="admin" ADMIN_ADDRESS="" ADMIN_LUA_SCRIPT="/usr/local/mysql-proxy/share/doc/mysql-proxy/admin.lua" PROXY_ADDRESS="" PROXY_USER="mysql-proxy" PROXY_OPTIONS="--daemon --log-level=info --log-use-syslog"#注意最后一行,需要根据实际生产场景进行修改,比如;
PROXY_OPTIONS="--daemon --log-level=info --log-file=/var/log/mysql-proxy.log --plugins=proxy
--plugins=admin --proxy-backend-addresses= --proxy-read-only-backend-ad
dresses= --proxy-lua-script=/usr/local/mysql-proxy/share/doc/mysql-proxy
--[[ $%BEGINLICENSE%$ Copyright (c) 2007, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA $%ENDLICENSE%$ --]] function set_error(errmsg) proxy.response = { type = proxy.MYSQLD_PACKET_ERR, errmsg = errmsg or "error" } end function read_query(packet) if packet:byte() ~= proxy.COM_QUERY then set_error("[admin] we only handle text-based queries (COM_QUERY)") return proxy.PROXY_SEND_RESULT end local query = packet:sub(2) local rows = { } local fields = { } if query:lower() == "select * from backends" then fields = { { name = "backend_ndx", type = proxy.MYSQL_TYPE_LONG }, { name = "address", type = proxy.MYSQL_TYPE_STRING }, { name = "state", type = proxy.MYSQL_TYPE_STRING }, { name = "type", type = proxy.MYSQL_TYPE_STRING }, { name = "uuid", type = proxy.MYSQL_TYPE_STRING }, { name = "connected_clients", type = proxy.MYSQL_TYPE_LONG }, } for i = 1, #proxy.global.backends do local states = { "unknown", "up", "down" } local types = { "unknown", "rw", "ro" } local b = proxy.global.backends[i] rows[#rows + 1] = { i, b.dst.name, -- configured backend address states[b.state + 1], -- the C-id is pushed down starting at 0 types[b.type + 1], -- the C-id is pushed down starting at 0 b.uuid, -- the MySQL Server's UUID if it is managed b.connected_clients -- currently connected clients } end elseif query:lower() == "select * from help" then fields = { { name = "command", type = proxy.MYSQL_TYPE_STRING }, { name = "description", type = proxy.MYSQL_TYPE_STRING }, } rows[#rows + 1] = { "SELECT * FROM help", "shows this help" } rows[#rows + 1] = { "SELECT * FROM backends", "lists the backends and their state" } else set_error("use 'SELECT * FROM help' to see the supported commands") return proxy.PROXY_SEND_RESULT end proxy.response = { type = proxy.MYSQLD_PACKET_OK, resultset = { fields = fields, rows = rows } } return proxy.PROXY_SEND_RESULT end另外有需要云服务器可以了解下创新互联cdcxhl.cn,海内外云服务器15元起步,三天无理由+7*72小时售后在线,公司持有idc许可证,提供“云服务器、裸金属服务器、高防服务器、香港服务器、美国服务器、虚拟主机、免备案服务器”等云主机租用服务以及企业上云的综合解决方案,具有“安全稳定、简单易用、服务可用性高、性价比高”等特点与优势,专为企业上云打造定制,能够满足用户丰富、多元化的应用场景需求。
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