今天给大家介绍一款分析MongoDB数据库表结构的软件 -- Varity.对于MongoDB这种Schema Free的数据库来说,用软件自带的查询collection中存储的数据情况很难一眼就看出具体的数据结构,Tomá Dvoák 作者写了一个Variety.js的脚本就很容易理解没个collection中的数据结构。作者将工具托管在github上,并且欢迎任何人来提供建议或者添加功能。以下Variety的特点翻译自作者的博客:
Variety的下载地址 https://github.com/variety/variety。
mongo DATABASE_NAME --eval "var collection = 'COLL_NAME' " variety.js,比如我的DATABASE_NAME 是test, COLL_NAME是users,
db.users.insert({name: "Tom", bio: "A nice guy.", pets: ["monkey", "fish"], someWeirdLegacyKey: "I like Ike!"}); db.users.insert({name: "Dick", bio: "I swordfight.", birthday: new Date("1974/03/14")}); db.users.insert({name: "Harry", pets: "egret", birthday: new Date("1984/03/14")}); db.users.insert({name: "Shanker", bio: "a va?"});正常的查询Users的回显是这样的
> db.users.find() { "_id" : ObjectId("56cfc28fbdae9b9a922a19cb"), "name" : "Tom", "bio" : "A nice guy", "pets" : [ "monkey", "fish" ], "someWeirdLegacyKey" : "I like ike!" } { "_id" : ObjectId("56cfc2acbdae9b9a922a19cc"), "name" : "Dick", "bio" : "I swordfight." } { "_id" : ObjectId("56cfc2c6bdae9b9a922a19cd"), "name" : "Harry", "pets" : "egret" } { "_id" : ObjectId("56cfc2e0bdae9b9a922a19ce"), "name" : "Shanker", "bio" : "caca" }用Variety查询结果是这样的
mongo test --eval "var collection = 'users'" variety.js MongoDB shell version: 2.4.9 connecting to: test Variety: A MongoDB Schema Analyzer Version 1.5.0, released 14 May 2015 Using collection of "users" Using query of { } Using limit of 4 Using maxDepth of 99 Using sort of { "_id" : -1 } Using outputFormat of "ascii" Using persistResults of false Using resultsDatabase of "varietyResults" Using resultsCollection of "usersKeys" Using resultsUser of null Using resultsPass of null Using plugins of [ ] +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ | key | types | occurrences | percents | | ------------------ | -------------------- | ----------- | -------- | | _id | ObjectId | 4 | 100.0 | | name | String | 4 | 100.0 | | bio | String | 3 | 75.0 | | pets | String (1),Array (1) | 2 | 50.0 | | someWeirdLegacyKey | String | 1 | 25.0 | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+是不是格式很友好,很容易读懂了呢?
mongo DATABASE_NAME --port 27111 --eval " var collection = 'COLL_NAME' " variety.js如果db文件不在默认文件,可以用--dbpath参数:
mongo DATABASE_NAME --dbpath /path/to/database/folder --eval "var collection = 'COLL_NAME' " variety.js如果需要对查询进行排序的话可以这样用:
mongo DATABASE_NAME --eval "var collection = 'COLL_NAME', sort = { date : -1 }" variety.js如果需要JSON的输出格式的话可以这样用:
mongo DATABASE_NAME --eval "var collection = 'users', outputFormat = 'json' " variety.js如果一个collection有10亿个数据,我们可以限制查询的数量,用limit来限定:
mongo DATABASE_NAME --eval "var collection ='users', limit = 1000 " variety.js如果某个colletions嵌套的层数太多了,可以用maxDepth来限制查询:
db.users.insert({name:"Walter", someNestedObject:{a:{b:{c:{d:{e:1}}}}}});[ibmcloud@bravo:~/variety04:05]$mongo test --eval "var collection = 'users' " variety.js MongoDB shell version: 2.4.9 connecting to: test Variety: A MongoDB Schema Analyzer Version 1.5.0, released 14 May 2015 Using collection of "users" Using query of { } Using limit of 5 Using maxDepth of 99 Using sort of { "_id" : -1 } Using outputFormat of "ascii" Using persistResults of false Using resultsDatabase of "varietyResults" Using resultsCollection of "usersKeys" Using resultsUser of null Using resultsPass of null Using plugins of [ ] +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | key | types | occurrences | percents | | -------------------------- | -------------------- | ----------- | -------- | | _id | ObjectId | 5 | 100.0 | | name | String | 5 | 100.0 | | bio | String | 3 | 60.0 | | pets | String (1),Array (1) | 2 | 40.0 | | someNestedObject | Object | 1 | 20.0 | | someNestedObject.a | Object | 1 | 20.0 | | someNestedObject.a.b | Object | 1 | 20.0 | | someNestedObject.a.b.c | Object | 1 | 20.0 | | someNestedObject.a.b.c.d | Object | 1 | 20.0 | | someNestedObject.a.b.c.d.e | Number | 1 | 20.0 | | someWeirdLegacyKey | String | 1 | 20.0 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ [ibmcloud@bravo:~/variety05:06]$mongo test --eval "var collection = 'users', maxDepth = 3" variety.js MongoDB shell version: 2.4.9 connecting to: test Variety: A MongoDB Schema Analyzer Version 1.5.0, released 14 May 2015 Using collection of "users" Using query of { } Using limit of 5 Using maxDepth of 3 Using sort of { "_id" : -1 } Using outputFormat of "ascii" Using persistResults of false Using resultsDatabase of "varietyResults" Using resultsCollection of "usersKeys" Using resultsUser of null Using resultsPass of null Using plugins of [ ] +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | key | types | occurrences | percents | | -------------------- | -------------------- | ----------- | -------- | | _id | ObjectId | 5 | 100.0 | | name | String | 5 | 100.0 | | bio | String | 3 | 60.0 | | pets | String (1),Array (1) | 2 | 40.0 | | someNestedObject | Object | 1 | 20.0 | | someNestedObject.a | Object | 1 | 20.0 | | someNestedObject.a.b | Object | 1 | 20.0 | | someWeirdLegacyKey | String | 1 | 20.0 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+如果需要制定条件的查询,比如carddAbout为true的,可以这样:
mongo DATABASE_NAME --eval "var collection = 'COLL_NAME', query = {'caredAbout':true}" variety.js需要注意的是,Variety在对数据结构进行分析的时候,实际是用MapReduce来做的,会进行全表扫描操作,所以如果是对线上库进行分析,那么建议最好使用一个不提供服务的备份库或者在业务低峰来做。避免给线上业务造成压力。
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